BIRD FLU: Inducing panic, rolling out vaccines, and a man-made variety can be made transmissible between humans!

Former CDC Director Robert Redfield said it would take only 5 mutations (and he said we know which ones) to turn it into a disease of humans. He said he could create this in the lab.


  • If it only takes five mutations to change the existing bird flu virus to one that transmits between humans, as Robert Redfield stated—and we already know what they are—I can almost guarantee that someone has already created it. Will it be released?

  • But the current bird flu is not dangerous for humans. Will pathogenic epitopes be added to the currently circulating bird flu to make it deadly to humans?

  • If it does appear, we will be almost certain that its appearance is an offensive act: deliberate biological warfare.

  • Bird flu has never killed a single American.

  • Bird flu has only ever made 2 Americans sick with exceedingly minor illnesses, according to CDC (one person reported 4 days of fatigue and one had conjunctivitis).

  • Caused less than 500 deaths worldwide (most 20 years ago)—before it mutated to become essentially harmless to humans—since the late 1990s

  • has been hyped by Dr. Jeremy Farrar (007: License to overdose) for 20 years as the next killer virus, and the facts have never stopped Sir Jeremy… who was knighted after his successful effort at killing hydroxychloroquine as a COVID therapy, by giving overdoses to about 2600 patients in the Recovery and Solidarity trials, when he was the head of the WHO’s COVID therapeutics trials as well as head of the Wellcome Trust.

  • Farrar is now the Chief Scientist at the WHO whose current job is to get the treaties approved and then roll out unlicensed vaccines in 130 days, liability-free.

  • Farrar took this job 13 months ago, which pays roughly 1/3 of his salary as head of the Wellcome Trust. He had doubled the size of the Wellcome endowment. He was a successful leader. He did not need to leave. What other emoluments might he be receiving to go work at the WHO? And from whom?

  • About 200 million chickens, turkeys and ducks have been culled over the past 2 years to hype bird flu, about 100 million each in Europe and the US.

  • Every chicken in a chicken house or sometimes a farm must be killed when one bird has a positive PCR test for bird flu. Then we are told they all died from bird flu, when in fact they were killed and tossed in the trash.

  • In Europe, people are being frightened about not only bird flu, but also about a disease in pigs that does not spread to humans, African Swine Fever, which has also led to large culls.

  • Both the pig disease (African Swine Fever) and the bird flu cause no problems for humans who eat the meat, when cooked.

  • These diseases are present in the wild bird and wild pig population, so no matter how many animals you cull, you cannot wipe them out.

  • Eating infected, cooked chickens or eggs causes no problems. Same with eating the meat from pigs with African Swine Fever. Same with drinking the milk from cows said to be infected.

  • FDA has not cultured live virus from any milk source, as recently as May 10. In other words, FDA has been unable to grow bird flu virus from milk. Therefore it won’t hurt you.

  • FDA fails to say whether it has tried to culture virus from unpasteurized, raw/fresh milk. It warns against drinking raw milk, which is not new. I have to guess that FDA has not been able to culture virus from raw milk also, but I can’t be certain. Except that if they had, we would be hearing about it and it would be posted on the FDA website. It isn’t.

  • From the NY Times, May 1: “Researchers and health officials are not sure whether bird flu can spread from raw milk to humans.

    “There’s not a tremendous amount of studies showing the infectivity related to this virus and raw milk products,” Dr. Prater said. But, he said, agencies are continuing to monitor the issue as new research emerges.”

  • Does this remind you of the exaggerated statistics about the number of deaths from COVID, to raise the dial on fear?

  • There are already 3 licensed vaccines for bird flu in the USA. Isn’t that amazing? Surely no companies would invest in vaccine development for a nothing-burger disease… so the US government (BARDA) paid to employ the worst technologies to make this vaccine. The latest licensed version is Audenz, manufactured in a facility underwritten by the taxpayer to use dog kidney cells to manufacture vaccine antigens. Then the dangerous squalene-containing adjuvant, MF-59 is used to supercharge the immune system.

Siir Jeremy does not confine his panic-inducing statements to just bird flu, climate change and COVID. Nope. Drug resistant infections (the peg on which the whole of the fictitious One Health hangs, are suddenly another existential threat. Yawn.

Here is the announcement that Audenz got licensed, right after the pandemic began. Note that Rick Bright, disgraced former head of BARDA who colluded with Janet Woodcock, who is the disgraced former acting FDA Commissioner, to stop the use of hydroxychloroquine, attempts to confuse the reader by calling this an influenza vaccine (as if it is for seasonal human flu) and not calling it what it really is: a bird flu vaccine for humans. FDA licensed it just in case bird flu happens to become contagious for humans… How prescient of them.

Influenza vaccines using the MF59® adjuvant may enhance and broaden the body’s immune response by inducing antibodies against virus strains that have mutated.6,7,8 This adjuvant is an important part of pandemic preparedness planning as it reduces the amount of antigen required to produce an immune response, increasing the number of doses of vaccine developed, so that a large number of people can be protected as quickly as possible.9,10 The cell-based vaccine antigen, MF59® adjuvant, and formulated prefilled syringes used in the AUDENZ vaccine are all produced in the state-of-the-art Seqirus production facility in Holly Springs, N.C., built and supported through a multi-year public-private partnership between Seqirus and the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), part of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.11

“Pandemic influenza viruses can be deadly and spread rapidly, [though they don’t spread at all in humans—Nass] making production of safe, effective vaccines essential in saving lives,” said BARDA Director Rick Bright, Ph.D. “With this licensure – the latest FDA-approved vaccine to prevent H5N1 influenza – we celebrate a decade-long partnership to achieve health security goals set by the National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza and the 2019 Executive Order to speed the availability of influenza vaccine. Ultimately, this latest licensure means we can protect more people in an influenza pandemic.”

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