Death rates considerably higher in hospitals for same diagnosis compared to 5 years ago/ Pittsburgh Action News

Watch the video above, in which a news program is reporting on skyrocketing hospital mortality rates. It is only about a minute, but it is shocking and frightening and disgusting. (Don’t click the arrow below; it does not work.)

One hospital is “investigating its algorithms”—maybe the problem IS the algorithms? Maybe while the robotic clinicians order algorithmic care few are evaluating how the patients respond any more? (The “providers” are being forced to follow algorithms, trained to be robots so they can be replaced by computers, and I don’t think it will take too long before that happens). I am serious. I think that the elites have deliberately made the patient experience unpleasant, just as they have made flying in airplanes unpleasant. Just as being a worker has become more unpleasant since you have to watch what you say and get used to being monitored all the time. No wonder people do not want to go back to work.

The “clients” of the medical system suffer. I wonder if the consolidation in healthcare, begun in earnest during the Clinton administration, was intended so that patients would not have a meaningful choice of providers: every “provider” in their area is now usually in the same network, with the same institutional culture. Things have gone downhill steadily in the allopathic medical realm for at least 20 years and now no one wants to get near a hospital.

Medicine should not be a fiduciary exchange, and kindness, caring and intuition as well as frequent reassessment of inpatients by doctors need to be brought back to the bedside.

Mortality rates from sepsis have more than doubled. Maybe that is because the hospital stopped using the sepsis treatment regimen pioneered by famed ICU professor Paul Marik? When he went out of favor during COVID, did his medical breakthroughs go out of favor too? Dr. Marik had reduced sepsis mortality rates by something like 50%.

Every institution seems to need a reboot.

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