3 Takeaways from the Fauci committee hearing that just ended

Don't lose these nuggets


Of course the avuncular Dr. Fauci was his usual waffling self. He dodged to the left then he dodged to the right. Distanced himself as best he could from Morens and Daszak. But here are 3 important items to commit to memory for future use, expressed by the members:

#1. Ms Maliotakis: the NIH received $710 million dollars in royalties from pharmaceutical companies between 2021 and 2023. (I am not certain of the actual dates/months involved. $690 million went to NIAID.). Fauci said he got none of it.

It appears that NIH does not have to tell Congress where that money came from and where it went. It seems the NIH funding bill needs an amendment regarding that money and full disclosure.

#2. Dr. McCormick: He treated patients during COVID, as I did, and his medical license was also threatened. The accurate information he provided was termed misinformation by “so-called experts.” Everything he was censored for has turned out to be right. This is a member we need to be working with!

#3. Chairman Dr. Brad Westrup: In his concluding paragraph of the hearing, said “It’s important we don’t do things like mandates…” This may be the start of a bill prohibiting all medical mandates.

  • U. Illinois law professor Francis Boyle had these comments on the Fauci hearing yesterday:

  1. Fauci has already lied and perjured himself before Congress. He should have been prosecuted already. You cannot believe one word he is saying.

  2. Fauci has violated my [Boyle drafted this bill, pass unanimously by Congress—Nass] Biological Weapons Anti-terrorism Act of 1989, the U.S.domestic implementing legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention, for the role he played in approving, sponsoring, and financing the development of  Covid-19, which is an offensive biological warfare weapon with gain of function properties that was  co-manufactured  by inter alia  the University of North Carolina BSL3, EcoHealth Alliance, and the Wuhan BSL4, China’s Fort Detrick, from which it leaked. The penalty for violating my BWATA is life imprisonment that Fauci richly deserves along with the confiscation of all his financial  profits and  proceeds from his criminal enterprise.

  3. Fauci knew about the Chinese  lab  leak all along and covered it up right  from the very get-go around September of 2019 and  has lied about it ever  since then and about  everything related to the Covid-19 Pandemic and Vaccines  in order to cover-up his own criminality.

  4. Fauci should be prosecuted for the  murder and conspiracy to commit the  murder of  over  one million   American    Covid-19 Victims who lived and died  in all 50 States of the United States of America in accordance with their respective criminal  homicide statutes. Having taught Criminal Law for a number of years,  I explain these prospective  prosecutions of Fauci  inter alia   in great  detail in my book “Resisting Medical Tyranny: Why the Covid-19 Mandates Are Criminal” (Waterside Productions: 2022). 

Francis A. Boyle

Professor of Law

Author of the U.S. Domestic Implementing Legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention known as the Biological Weapons Anti-terrorism Act of 1989  that was passed unanimously by both Houses of the United States Congress and signed into law by President George H.W. Bush with the approval of the United States Department of Justice.

Francis A. Boyle

Law Building

504 E. Pennsylvania Ave.

Champaign IL 61820 USA

Phone: 217-333-7954

Fax: 217-244-1478

(personal comments only)

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