I will be doing an extended presentation on bird flu with Bruce de Torres at 2 pm ET tomorrow, July 1

Prepare to be amazed (if we can still be amazed) by what I have found

There are 75 slides. I will go over the history of bird flu, its tie-in with biosecurity, the development of the narrative, the development of so-called “mock-up” vaccines for bird flu (read my 2 recent posts here and here on the frightening concept of mock-up vaccines) which may get a license even after they kill 1% of recipients, the risks from bird flu, gain of function experiments, the financial benefits of a real or fake bird flu pandemic, and how the US government refused to share information on bird flu, despite pushing for WHO treaties that require such information sharing. Finally, I summarize all the things that don’t make sense about bird flu. It should take 1-1.5 hours.

This is a warning of how something huge could be created out of virtually nothing. And how we may already be in another plandemic. Will we be prepared for what they are throwing at us this time? I am trying to stop this slow-moving freight train in its tracks by presenting this information.

Please save the video if that is possible.

The presentation will be live but will stay on Bruce’s site and be added (somehow—its FB so we will need to record it) to the Door to Freedom site.


https://www.facebook.com/brucedetorres2/videos/7744363225599567 The show took 1 hr 35 minutes. Enjoy.

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