A delegation of authority to the WHO is a loss of sovereignty, and the Netherlands constitution does not allow it. Does yours?

Attorney Miecke Terhorst explains this, and asserts the WHO Constitution does not allow it, either

Meike Terhorst’s Substack
WHO powergrab? Four Dutch senators have declared that the amendments to the International Health Regulations are invalid!
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My name is Meike Terhorst, I am an Attorney-At-Law in Alkmaar, the Netherlands. This is my first Substack about recent developments in The Netherlands relating to the World Health Organization.

Four members of the Dutch senate declared on [28] May 2024 that the amendments to the International Health Regulations, adopted on June 1, 2024 are invalid! Please see the actual documents, below. I drafted those letters… The senators signed these letters after the Parliament supported two motions requesting the Minister of Health to vote “no” to any resolution increasing the powers of WHO.          

You may ask: on which basis are the amendments invalid?  That is because the national representative of The Netherlands, our Minister of Public Health,  is not authorized due to limitations in our Constitution, to transfer legislative and executive powers, that belong to our Parliament, to the Director-General of WHO if and when the Director-General declares a pandemic or other emergency. Article 81 of the Dutch Constitution (Grondwet) stipulates that any law in The Netherlands must be passed by Parliament. Therefore, Parliament is the highest power in our country.

Also from the viewpoint of WHO, on the basis of the WHO Constitution, the assembly of Member States of WHO are not authorized to transfer such powers to the Director-General of WHO because the Constitution limits the powers of WHO and its Director-General to advisory powers, stipulating that Member States remain responsible for the public health within their territory. Therefore the amendments are “ultra vires”. Article 2 of the WHO Constitution lists the functions of WHO. Article 2 sub c) provides that the function of WHO is “to assist Governments, upon request, in strengthening health services.” In the recitals of the WHO Constitution it is confirmed that “Governments have a responsibility for the health of their peoples.” See : https://apps.who.int/gb/bd/pdf_files/BD_49th-en.pdf

Why are these letters of the Dutch senators not well known ? Because this message has been blacked out in the media. WHO, WEF and UN do not want the general public to know that the transfer of powers is not valid from a legal perspective. Johan Cruijff, our most famous Dutch soccer player once said: “you only see it, when you get it.” More and more people, more and more parliamentarians are “getting it” and therefor “seeing it”: the power grab of WHO is simply not valid, and therefore we do not have to obey WHO…

The Dutch Parliament took a stand against the WHO relating to negotiations at the World Health Assembly starting 27 May 2024

On April 10, 2024 member of Parliament Mona Keijzer issued a motion requesting the Minister of Health to ask for postponement of the vote on the amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) and the Pandemic Treaty, because the amendments were not submitted 4 months in advance. The final draft amendments should have been submitted 4 months in advance on the basis of Article 55 para. 2 IHR. In the instance that the postponement would not be allowed, The Netherlands should vote against the amendments. This motion of Mona Keijzer was supported by the Parliament on April 16, 2024. Then the Minister of Health said “No” to Parliament’s request. Then a second debate followed on May 21, with another motion of Mona Keijzer, requesting the Minister to vote against the amendments to the IHR.  Then the Minister of Health stated that she will not support neither oppose the amendments to the IHR, and let the new Government decide on this matter. Then the letters of the four senators were signed on 28 May 2024 to formally object to the validity of the amendments to the International Health Regulations. Hopefully, the letters of the senators may prevent the ratification of the amendments, in the future…

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