Pact for the future. Nations will provide a “Consensus” (despite disagreements) and then this loosy-goosy framework document will become the justification for whatever govts/UN want to impose on us
I can't go item by item. Where do they find the writers of such drivel? Here are just 5 pages on global governance to give you the flavor
We discovered it was easier to co-opt people of color than white folks from rich countries, so expect much more colorful global governance. Rebuild trust!
Centralization is always more efficient, dintcha’ know?
Just send $
We will add more developing countries to the Security Council, but we won’t tell you our plan till the last minute cause you won’t like it.
Our promises are vast, our specifics minute
Our biggest NGO donors and stakeholders will have a seat at the table, just as they sought at the WHO
Peace is expensive. Pay up. No mention of the new requirement that NATO countries increase their military spending to at least 2% of their budgets. War is expensive too. Without it, we could not call for peace.
Continue the current system of nepotism that guarantees UN agencies are stuffed with incompetent officials whose sub-agencies we can control
Human rights are incredibly important, so give us more $ so we can enlarge the staffs of our human rights agencies that do nothing to protect human rights.
What do they mean when they say “reform the international financial architecture?” Is that a “crash the economy then build back better?” Is making financing more available to all a step towards the crash?
Give us lots of money. “Issue hybrid capital at scale”—is that “money for nothing and chicks for free?”
Borrow more, but we are alarmed by unsustainable debt burdens. I think that means crash the world financial system so we can start over at zero, as if we are starting a new game of monopoly.