The proponents of one world government, from Cecil Rhodes to Gordon Brown/ James Corbett
Funny how the language of the Pact for the Future echoes their pronouncements
Funny how the language of the Pact for the Future echoes their pronouncements
Unlike the US proposal, the language is clear and the ask is simple
Unlike the US proposal, the language is clear and the ask is simple
Yet more censorship. Attempt to maximally interfere with our activities before Missouri v Biden concludes? Or are (social) media telling us they will continue even without govt nudge?
Yet more censorship. Attempt to maximally interfere with our activities before Missouri v Biden concludes? Or are (social) media telling us they will continue even without govt nudge?
Epoch Times reviews several scientific papers from Korea
Epoch Times reviews several scientific papers from Korea
Original URL: LIVESTREAM: MEDIA ADVISORY For Immediate ReleaseMay 20, 2024 CONTACT:Matthew Franklin, SOVEREIGNTY COALITION’S “SOVEREIGNTY SUMMIT” TO SHOWCASE OPPOSITION TO W.H.O.’S ILLEGAL POWER-GRAB World Leaders to Say “Not Now” to Improper Approval of “Global Governance” Treaties WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Sovereignty Coalition is pleased to announce its convening of “The Sovereignty Summit” to demonstrate…