Monkeypox and Jynneos: a sordid history in pictures

This is definitely worth a look

First, let’s see what CDC said in 2022 about monkeypox then; yes, we know it was a different clade. But what does that mean? No one knows:

Here is what the WHO published on Aug 17 about this clade business:

What are the different virus clades and how do they differ in impact?

There are two broad clades of the mpox virus: clade I and II. Clade II was behind the global mpox outbreak that began in 2022.

The current understanding is that clade I leads to more severe disease and death than clade II in the populations where it is endemic. However, differences in the features of past outbreaks such as population groups affected make it hard to draw a firm conclusion. 

Public health advice from WHO applies for prevention and management of mpox arising from either clade.

A new offshoot of clade I virus, called clade Ib, was first reported in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 2023, and has been spreading through sex and other types of close contact. Studies are underway to understand the properties of this new strain.

Nuttin’ to worry about. Why get a vaccine for a nuttin’ to worry about infection? Try these reasons on for size, all of which are correct imho:

  • Because we already have the vaccine

  • Because if we use up our stockpile we get to buy more and our friends benefit

  • Even if we don’t use up the stockpile we can claim we need to buy more

  • Because it needs additional testing

  • Because it has a liability shield so no one can be sued if there turn out to be problems

  • Because we want to acculturate the public to going for a shot whenever we announce an outbreak

  • Because the government (or the cabal) wants an excuse to inject you with a liquid whose chemical identity can never be known in advance.

How much vaccine (Jynneos, aka Imvamune, Invanex, and MVA-BN) does the USG own? I examined all the manufacturer’s press releases. Here is a bit of the info.

Below is a copy of the 2017 contract worth up to $1.03 Billion dollars. That’s why I call it Moneypock$.

BARDA bet the farm on the Jynneos vaccine. BARDA’s job is countermeasure procurement, not countermeasure safety or efficacy.

The vaccine got licensed in 2019, so it has a label, a legal document disclosing information from the trials. What does the label tell us?

It tells us that while the disease is quite mild and according to CDC requires no specific treatment (and the TPOXX drug does not work), the vaccine itself is dangerous. Lots of cardiac events, for example. Are the people lining up to be vaccinated, or people in the clinical trials, being told this? What do you think?

Two years ago CDC talked out of both sides of its mouth regarding Jynneos’ efficacy. They thought it was 85% effective, except they claimed it had not been tested against monkeypox in humans. But it actually had been, in CDC’s 2017-2020 trial, which has hidden the results ever since, presumably so CDC can keep giving out the vaccine without disclosing those results.

How much vaccine does the USG have? This is another one of those questions where the answer constantly shifts. But let’s look at recent amounts purchased and used. CDC in the MMWR claimed it had administered a total of 1.2 million doses of Jynneos plus some lesser amount of the ACAM2000 vaccine in 2022-23. Ignoring the vaccine owned by the USG and already stockpiled in Denmark by Bavarian Nordic before 2022, how much was bought after the May 2022 outbreak began?

The following press release indicates that nearly 7 million doses were ordered and delivered or to be delivered in 2022 and 2023.

7 million new doses purchased minus 1.2 million doses used (and many of them were diluted by a factor of five to stretch the supply—so less than 1.2 million full doses were used) should leave us with around 5.8 million doses left, or more.

But never let a good (or fake) crisis go to waste. And you can create a crisis by simply claiming an FDA inspection of the Bavarian Nordic factory was delayed.

It was so unusual that two people who are normally gung-ho about biodefense vaccines were not gung-ho about Jynneos.

Fast forward to 2024. How many cases and deaths are there in the Congo? On Aug 14 the WHO said 15,000 cases and about 537 deaths.

But on May 30, CDC said there were 20,000 suspect cases and 1,000 deaths in Congo alone, while WHO ‘s figures revealed only about 1,000 reported cases in all of Africa for 2024. See the dueling data below.

CDC acknowledged few had been confirmed by lab testing. Had they been confirmed by a doctor who knew how to diagnose a case? Who is counting these cases and what evidence is being used to estimate cases?

The EU provided the numbers from the Africa CDC yesterday: 14,719 supected cases and 2,822 confirmed cases [but how is each category determined?] and 517 deaths in all of Africa in 2024.

Then why did WHO publish much lower numbers?

Reuters yesterday came up with 27,000 cases and 1,100 deaths in Congo, “mainly among children” since January of 2023.

Speaking of children, our public health officials are on it! Trials of this damn Jynneos vaccine are being conducted in multiple countries. Our NIAID has been testing it in American kids for most of the past year.

Amazing how prescient the Fauci’s of the world are. Given the liability waiver, why not give this myocarditis-inducing vaccine to children?

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