I think what RFK, Jr. and Trump did was brilliant politically, and is the only way to save the world from global governance, chronic disease, fake food, economic disaster, poison shot mandates, etc.

No doubt this will annoy some subscribers, but it was what I was hoping for. Trump indicated he will not run a neocon administration this time around. Tulsi also believes him. John Klar discusses this

John Klar, a member of the Door to Freedom core group, and a speaker and discussant at our upcoming symposium, “The Attack on Food and Farmers—and How to Fight Back” analyzes the new “Unity” coalition.

Trump MAGA and Kennedy MAHA Join Forces

A power duo pledges to improve public health.

by John Klar | Aug 28, 2024 |

When Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced that he was suspending his presidential campaign to join forces with Donald Trump’s race to the White House, he used the opportunity to trumpet the policy issues they would address: free speech, the Ukraine conflict, and “the war on our children.” Kennedy claimed the war on children is visible in the rapid decline of Americans’ health, especially that of children, who are experiencing higher rates of fatty liver disease, cancer, obesity, and mental health problems than previous generations. RFK Jr. fingered two chief culprits as causes: ultra-processed foods that “consist primarily of processed sugar, ultra-processed grains, and seed oils” and “toxic chemicals in our food, our medicines, and our environment.”

Kennedy Withdraws – a Policy Dagger

Kennedy’s focus on chemicals in food perhaps outranks dubious left-wing claims that renewable energy manufacturing is environmentally worthwhile to battle non-toxic carbon. Repeating this message passionately at a rally for Trump in Glendale, AZ, Kennedy coined the catchy slogan “MAHA” (Make America Healthy Again) to shift “MAGA” (Make America Great Again) from something controversial into a positive message to voters.

The MAGA trademark has been as much a rallying pejorative for the left as it has a positive message on the right. With this, Kennedy and Trump took a page from Kamala Harris’ counsel at the DNC when she proudly shared her mother’s sage wisdom: “Never let anyone tell you who you are. You show them who you are.”

A Clear Environmental Record and Vision

Over the years, RKF Jr. has shown the nation his passion for eliminating ecotoxins (in harbors and children’s bodies). The Green New Deal – which targets cows for regulation of their methane and at the same time boosts massive investments in “renewable” manufacturing that spews carcinogens, endocrine disruptors, and more – does not address toxic chemicals.

The inconvenient truths of renewable manufacturing pollution – concerning chemicals that cause a serious decline in Americans’ health, which Kennedy prioritizes – have been well documented here at Liberty Nation News. Lithium mining for EVs is one of the most polluting human activities on Earth; solar panels toxify the air, soil, and water during manufacturing and disposal, and cows pollute far less than EVs.

RFK JR., standing beside Trump, called for a clean-up of food and chemical toxins to be a higher environmental priority than carbon dioxide. As explained here at LNN back in 2019, the shift in national environmental policy led by Al Gore distracted many people from the child-sickening chemicals. “Instead of regulating identified toxins, environmental utopianism identified carbon dioxide as a toxin and shifted resources to solar and other projects.” The global warming debate has divided Americans who once agreed that deadly pesticides in their food were a common enemy:

“If conservatives reclaimed a voice for Americans concerned about chemical exposure, the former bipartisan environmental unity of a nation could be reforged …

“Once the focus is shifted from the carbon fixation, the true environmental impact of massive factory gear-up for ‘renewables’ manufacturing is laid bare.”

Common-Sense Policy Shift?

Kennedy staked out the policy ground with a rational voice, identifying a public health problem and proposing specific policies to reverse it quickly. The mainstream media may have difficulty portraying him and his supporters as racist MAGA extremists and threats to democracy as he directs voters’ attention to the health crisis being inflicted upon them by the large food and chemical companies and the renewable manufacturing industry.

In his independent run for president, Ross Perot famously highlighted the losses of American jobs under NAFTA. Ron Paul used his effort to condemn overspending by the Federal Reserve, and unconstitutional government surveillance of American citizens. Kennedy is no longer a risk as a spoiler candidate, but his policy focus may be a party crash for those on the left who have been unchallenged on the true environmental impacts of their renewable energy boondoggles.

RFK Jr. left the race, but he didn’t leave the fray. The Republican Party now champions fighting ecotoxins as a higher environmental priority than non-toxic carbon dioxide; local solutions over globalist domination; and cows over Chinese cars.

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