Simply campaigning for safer food has finally had an effect at FDA, after many years of ignoring the problem
The Trump-RFK campaign to MAHA is making waves
The Trump-RFK campaign to MAHA is making waves
I refuse to pay for STAT since it is mostly propaganda, so here is their truncated report. Attacking the GRAS [Generally Regarded As Safe] designation FDA bestows on its friendly companies to allow them to avoid any review of their ingredients is huge.
Let's look at a few things he told Agence France Press and The Guardian. What does the draft treaty really say?
Let’s look at a few things he told Agence France Press and The Guardian. What does the draft treaty really say?
My comments are in italics
My comments are in italics
According to FDA criteria, the EUAs should have been revoked once the real world data rolled in
According to FDA criteria, the EUAs should have been revoked once the real world data rolled in
Thanks to Warner Mendenhall for making my day
Thanks to Warner Mendenhall for making my day
The Medical Board never answered my questions of how they defined misinformation and where they got the right to punish it.
The Medical Board never answered my questions of how they defined misinformation and where they got the right to punish it.
There are over 700 UK MPs, but recall that once Andrew Bridgen was the only one speaking up. Free Telegraph link on
There are over 700 UK MPs, but recall that once Andrew Bridgen was the only one speaking up. Free Telegraph link on