Are you in Oklahoma or Spain? Thurs in OKC and Fri-Sun in Pontevedra, Spain

2 great events

Thursday Oct 17

In the great state of Oklahoma we have a Champion who has opened a COVID Study to obtain accountability, responsibility, and justice. 

On October 17th 2:30pm at the State Capitol of Oklahoma Representative JJ Humphrey is gathering Legislators and we the ‘OK Defenders of Medical Freedom’ are bringing Experts and Evidence to:

  • Open Legislative and Executive Investigations into hospitals where people died of the protocols

  • Ban Gene Therapy Injections being given for Covid

  • Show Evidence of Fraud, Deception, Intentional Detrimental Impact

  • Obtain Appropriate Legislation 

  • Ensure this never happens again 

It would be an honor if everyone would share this information and come to the Capitol. I am trying to arrange a gathering with Legislators, Speakers, Victims, and Loved Ones. 

Along with the Graphic of the Event, I attached a link to the latest Newsletter with the video ad that we put out on Rumble. 

We would love to see you all there. We are so grateful for your support and would you please share this information for October 17th?

Blessings Always,

Mic Rosado BSN


Doctors for the Truth is sponsoring the conference below in Pontevedra this weekend. Pontevedra is on the Atlantic coast of Spain, just north of Vigo (and Portugal). A short hop from the fascinating town of Porto, where I ran into my old next door neighbors (the Cousins was their name) on the street in 2017.

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