Today there are 2 other blogs discussing globalism’s planned Great Reset, which is advancing much more rapidly in Europe than the US

Covering some of the same ground I did on Saturday, though I had not read either author before. Our conclusions are similar.

These are the 2 posts you may want to look at regarding globalism’s rapid advance:


The author talks about what is happening in Holland. She also refers readers to the following 2022 book by Van der Pijls, but she did not know the book’s title in English, so here it is:

  1. I have not read the other parts of the blog post below, but this long Part 7 has many nuggets, like the fact the World Wildlife Fund was formed by Prince Philip and Prince Bernhard (a card-carrying Nazi), husband of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands.

    And the author, Will Zoll, mentions the Terra Carta. Which I think is the Earth Charter, written by Nelson Rockefeller’s son Stephen in 2000, placed in a special “ark of the covenant” type crate and walked (carried by foot) to the UN— which Maurice Strong hoped would achieve the status of the Ten Commandments. Hmmm. (I learned this from one of Patrick Wood’s books.). I also recently learned from Mr. Wood that Maurice Strong, Gro Harlem Brundtland and Gorbachev (who I once thought was a good guy for suiciding the USSR, until I saw what happened in the world without a counterbalance to US hegemony) were all involved in the Club of Rome, and Gorby and Strong were on its Board. This then led me to talk about the 2 Club of Rome books (Limits to Growth, 1972 and The First Global Revolution, 1992) in my lecture Saturday.

Today, Mr. Zoll’s blog post revealed Ursula Van Der Leyen at a 2023 BEYOND GROWTH event, mentioning 1972’s Limits to Growth in remarks she gave last year. She said the quiet part out loud: stop economic and population growth—or as we see now, the globalists are actually going further than simply stopping growth. They appear to be seeking to shrink both.

Here is the second piece that you may wish to peruse. I do not necessarily agree with everything being said, but Zoll’s ideas about what may come in the future do fit with the WEF’s Ida Auken’s “own nothing and be happy” discussion of people living outside cities in a wilderness.

Prussia Gate
When Decades Happen – Part VII
This will not be the final article of the series. Instead, we will first present our synopsis on the desired end-state for humanity as envisioned by the Enlightened neo-Marxist global sycophants. This will outline the key players involved, as well as the pathway they have forged to socially engineer the world into their techno-totalitarian surveillance …
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