Pharma fear porn stocks are not doing too well
Moderna only has its COVID vaccine and an mRNA vaccine for RSV. It relies on government marketing both vaccines, and neither probably provides net benefit. Its value peaked around Sept 2021 or thereabouts when it gained a license. It jumped a little with the RSV vaccine, which probably has much lower uptake than desired. At peak it was worth about $450; now just $37. It did create several billionaires.
Pfizer has many products so not totally dependent on its COVID shots. It peaked after licensure on August 23, 2021, falling since to its lowest in 5 years.
Bavarian has only one product, the Jynneos MPOX vaccine. Its value started jumping in May 2022 when Moneypox was discovered in Europe and other continents outside Africa. Then in mid summer 2024 an MPOX crisis was declared again by Tedros and the stock jumped again. Finally people realize they have no need of the shot and the crisis that never really was, is about to officially end.
SIGA had TPOXX the smallpox/monkeypox drug. SIGA’s stock jumped when $Moneypox was identified in May 2022, and had a small bump when cases in Africa were hyped this year. However, the drugs does not work for $Monkeypox, so they won’t be selling much more of it any time soon.
Emergent had one product: anthrax vaccine. But they charged Uncle Sam so much for the product they were able to start buying up other lines and companies. They now own ACAM2000 for SmallMoneyPox, as well as vaccines for cholera and typhoid. They also bought up Narcan autoinjectors for drug overdoses. Always a sleazy company with lots of connections, the founder Fuad el-Hibri died a year or two ago, around the time they had to cancel their COVID vax contracts and give the money back, after contaminating the ingredients for hundreds of millions of COVID doses, and possibly shipping doses overseas illegally, before being okayed by regulators. Will his successors wangle the same extraordinary deals he put together?