Globalism tries another play over land, starting tomorrow. The UN Convention to Combat Desertification COP16 seeks financing and political will, and the adoption of hidden documents

This presumably plays into the Natural Asset Corporations that have sprung up to sustainably manage (and then gobble up) our land for us.

I’ve recently been writing and speaking about how UN conferences, agreements and formal treaties have been used to centralize control of the planet, its resources and people. Here is the start of the talk I gave last week, which is relevant to the meeting that starts tomorrow.

Oilman/environmentalist/globalist extraordinaire Maurice Strong was the originator and Secretary-General of the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, out of which grew the Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Convention on Biological Diversity. There was a third Convention birthed at that Summit which I have not written about previously: the Convention to Combat Desertification.

It too gets to have its own Conference of the Parties 16, starting tomorrow.

Here is what they want. I suspect another attempt at a big resource grab coming out of this meeting, which does not get the publicity of the other two meetings that just transpired. Look at the PR:

Sounds good. But what is “sustainable land stewardship”? They failed to mention the owners of land in the above summary of this meeting.

We all want land restoration and improvement. See how the globalists are expert at identifying a heartfelt need and then twisting it to justify their land grab.

Funny how they don’t mention improving the land so the food is better, to improve human health. Instead, we need to improve the land to reach the sustainable development goals. Hmmm…

Notice that these shysters never tell the public HOW they are going to support regenerative agriculture and land use.

The globalists invented a new term to disguise what it is they are trying to achieve. That term is “Nature-positive production” of food. How strange that they fail to define it. It must be their bug factories:

Now here is what appears to be a lovely set of goals… until you get to the word salad in Goal 3 and realize they are trying to obscure their plans rather than enlighten the reader:

“… restoration of ecosystem services, sustainable agricultural practices, and deployment of nature – based solutions or ecosystem – based approaches for biodiversity conservation, among others, in order to restore ecosystem functionality in a landscape context.”

The globalists hope to get some agreements at the end of this meeting, but I have not been able to find the draft documents to which they will seek a manufactured consensus. If any readers can find them, please identify where they are and I will review/decode them for you.

Here is the first document they will seek agreement on, buried deep:

Found them buried in among the below collection. You have to click on “standard” and then search through many documents to find the actual draft agreements.

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