Is Everything a Lie?

Bill Rice, Jr.has a long list of them. Never forget.

A well-known doctor attracted headlines in the alternative media by stating recently that “everything” the public was told about Covid “was a lie.”

The number of Covid utterances would fill several large libraries … for every one of these statements/claims to be a lie should qualify as a mega scandal.

The more shocking scandal is that everyone (who matters) must have known/know that all of these statements were lies … and all of these trusted “public health officials” and political “leaders” (and all the MSM “journalists”) conspired to cover up said known lies.

As I wrote recently, the top scandal of our “New Normal” is the fact so many authorities and officials worked so hard to conceal the truth from the public.

This fact proves that every important truth-seeking organization is captured and reminds us how important it is to purge as many of these leaders (who are really followers) as soon as possible. That is, the Swamp has to be drained.

Off the top of my head, I compiled a list numerous false claims where the veracity of these statements would have been called into question if a true “search for the truth” had occurred.

In this essay, I give examples of how officials concealed information/data that would debunk or call into question the official narrative.

The question of why a “Scamdemic’ occurred has still not been completely answered, but a safe bet is that everything was done to scare the daylights out of the public … to promote mandatory mRNA non-vaccines and give government even more control over the world population.

Let’s start from the beginning …

Actually, the real start date of the pandemic was a lie … that was covered up.

Officials should have known a novel respiratory virus was making many people sick as early as September 2019 and definitely by November 2019….

Please go to the author’s substack for the rest of this long list!

Bill Rice Jr.’s Newsletter
‘Everything is a lie’ …
A well-known doctor attracted headlines in the alternative media by stating recently that “everything” the public was told about Covid “was a lie…
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