Canadian doctor ordered to pay back $600k she earned through mass COVID vaccination/ LifeSite News
She set up mass clinics and collected for thousands of shots administered by volunteers
In a November 26 ruling, the Ontario Health Services Board ordered Kingston-based Dr. Elaine Ma to pay back over $600,000 which she had claimed after having undergraduate medical student volunteers mass vaccinate Ontario residents in 2021.
The province of Ontario paid doctors for every experimental COVID shot they administered, with one physician now being told to repay the $600,000 she earned by using medical students to mass vaccinate residents.
In a November 26 ruling, the Ontario Health Services Board ordered Kingston-based Dr. Elaine Ma to pay back over $600,000 which she had claimed after having undergraduate medical student volunteers mass vaccinate Ontario residents in 2021.
“The Appeal Board orders the Respondent to reimburse OHIP the amount of $600,962.16,” the board wrote in their decision.
Beginning in January 2021, Ma had organized drive-in vaccination clinics in several parking lots in the Kingston region to vaccinate thousands of Canadians. She recruited undergraduate medical student volunteers to administer the shots.
Under Ma’s program, which lasted until January 2022, 27,250 doses of the experimental COVID shot were administered, earning her a total of $606,657.60, according to the General Manager of the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP).
According to OHIP, Ontario doctors were paid $13 for administrating COVID vaccines, and an additional $5.60 if the patient’s sole reason for their appointment was receiving the shot.
However, OHIP argued that Ma’s claims did not meet their requirements as she used volunteers to administer the vaccines, explaining, “the persons who administered vaccines at the clinics organized by Dr. Ma during the Review Period were not her employees.”
As a result, she was ordered to repay the money. However, Ma is arguing that she was acting in Ontario’s best interest, considering the alleged danger of the COVID “pandemic.”
“It’s really still just disbelief that we’ve completely forgotten about COVID,” she told CTV News Ottawa. “We’ve completely forgotten what we were asked to do. We’ve completely forgotten the fact that we were asked to do it in new and different ways, and quickly, and as fast as possible.”
Indeed, many mainstream media outlets are defending Ma, arguing she was doing her best to vaccinate as many Ontarians as possible. The outlets, and Ma herself, conveniently fail to mention the dangerous side effects of the shots, which were pushed on Canadians.
While Ontario previously paid doctors to administer the shots, Canada’s program to compensate those injured by the so-called “safe and effective” COVID vaccines has now spent $14 million, but the vast majority of claims remain unpaid.
However, while Ma collected taxpayer dollars to administer the experimental vaccines, many courageous doctors have risked their livelihoods to warn Canadians about the dangers of the COVID shots.
For example, Ontario pro-freedom Dr. Mark Trozzi has lost his medical license for speaking out against the mainstream narrative, despite overwhelming evidence as to the negative effects of the vaccines.
In 2023, Trozzi exposed the dark money, political pressure, establishment corruption, and fake news that made the COVID-19 propaganda campaign a terror operation that brought the world to its knees.
In an interview with LifeSiteNews, he revealed that many of his colleagues were spellbound by the government’s COVID-19 fear campaign. However, he notes that others discovered that following the establishment’s mandates for COVID-19 treatment – such as only conducting PCR tests or nasal swab – paid as much as 20 percent more than regular work at their normal practice.
The campaign to foist the so-called COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ upon the global population also carried with it a monetary payoff.
“As I understand it, those injections paid very well everywhere,” said Trozzi. “One case in point is one of my colleagues has a contact who’s an ear, nose, and throat surgeon in Germany, and he stopped doing surgery. He said, ‘I only do the minimum amount of V.A. specialty work to keep my license because I’m making way more money just giving shots during that peak.’”