With a few clicks, you can support RFK, Jr.’s nomination for DHHS Sec. or wish Tony Fauci a happy birthday (via the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee)
It's your choice!
It's your choice!
Yet more censorship. Attempt to maximally interfere with our activities before Missouri v Biden concludes? Or are (social) media telling us they will continue even without govt nudge?
Yet more censorship. Attempt to maximally interfere with our activities before Missouri v Biden concludes? Or are (social) media telling us they will continue even without govt nudge?
Sorry it got knocked offline in error before the Q and A
Sorry it got knocked offline in error before the Q and A
I do thank them for not making me wait all day for this anticlimactic finish to the case.
I do thank them for not making me wait all day for this anticlimactic finish to the case.
Shout out to our friend, journalist Sam Husseini for going back and finding our emails discussing the newly discovered Wuhan virus even before it hit the US. Full text below.
Shout out to our friend, journalist Sam Husseini for going back and finding our emails discussing the newly discovered Wuhan virus even before it hit the US. Full text below.
MANY vaccines are being discussed. Friday is COVID vaccine day.
MANY vaccines are being discussed. Friday is COVID vaccine day.
Muriel Bowser's Washington DC stunt has imploded
Muriel Bowser’s Washington DC stunt has imploded