Israel’s war on Gaza: a broad range of international media tell the same story. Surely, the photos don’t lie.
I am proud to be a Jew. I am ashamed and appalled at what the Israeli government is doing in my name and with my tax dollars. This is my effort to stop them.
I was privately and politely asked to explain why I was posting “anti-Israel” articles and when I explained why, I was asked to make my reasons public.
As you know, no matter what media I post, people call it biased or anti-Semitic. For example, the NY Times, which until recently seemed to me to be pro-Zionist, has been put into this category. Meanwhile, the news from Israeli media (except Ha-aretz and possibly a few others) is obviously biased in the other direction. Israelis themselves are being told they are the ones at threat of extinction, not the Palestinians.
So there is no way I can avoid being tarred for publishing propaganda. In war, propaganda is mainly what gets published. However, I am going to try to explain what I (and the legal standard) believe to be war crimes and evidence of genocide or ethnic cleansing. And use a variety of different media to do so.
Here is a very short (1.5 minute) WHO video of the Al Shifa hospital in Gaza before and after. Healthcare facilities have been targets of Israel’s bombing campaign.
This is from today, another hospital attack:
North Gaza is being cleansed of Palestinians for annexation as part of Israel.
I have exceeded what is allowed for email posts, so will continue this later, revealing what Israel plans to do with the territory of Gaza and its offshore and underground rights.