Louisiana has instructed its public health officials to stop pushing the COVID, moneypox and flu vaccines. What recipients need to be told about their vaccines for true informed consent

Naturally the governor and RFK are being bashed. Let's look at the facts.

This is a very long article produced by Kaiser and broadcast by NPR (your tax dollars) that bashes Louisiana, which can be read or listened to here:


So, has Louisiana committed a terrible crime?

Let’s look at each of the vaccines for efficacy. In the following graph, CDC cherrypicked one study, which it may have paid for, with the most posiitive results for flu vaccines every year, to present:

Let’s look at the last ten years and average them for efficacy, omitting the empty year of 2020-21. Average efficacy is 35.7%. That means that the shot works for about 1/3 of the people who receive it: if they are exposed they won’t get the flu. It does not help 64.3% of those who receive it. Efficacy will be a bit less if you look at other studies. Flu shot recipients have been shown to be a healthier group than non-recipients, which makes the vaccine appear more effective.

Tom Jefferson, MD (who was head of the Cochrane Collaboration vaccine study group) estimated that in a typical year you would have to vaccinate 77 people to stop one case of the flu, because only about 5% of the unvaccinated population gets actual influenza due to an influenza virus each year. (Roughly, 1/3 x 5% = 1.7% of the total number vaccinated are prevented from getting the flu.). These are the effectiveness numbers the Louisiana government was no doubt working with.

The shots only prevent flu-like illnesses caused by influenza viruses, not flu-like illnesses caused by adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, coronoviruses or other viruses that cause at least 80% of respiratory infections.

I suspect the expensive push to get everyone vaccinated each year has had more to do with testing vaccine platforms and adjuvants (there are at least half a dozen different ways flu shots are being made) than improving public health.

And the second and more important reason I think the US has pushed yearly flu shots (and we were the first country to do so and only a few have copied us) was to get the adult population acclimated to going for yearly shots… So when they rolled out the COVID shots and later pandemic shots we would not find yearly boosters a strange new idea.

  • I am very concerned that the so-called 1500+ page Continuing Resolution contained over 70 pages of pandemic planning and appropriations. The blob has a plan in place to use pandemics and vaccines against the population and they don’t want to let go of it. Very disappointed the negotiators allowed this in.

Let’s look at the COVID vaccine efficacy, using CDC numbers:

The CDC slide above was used at an advisory commttee meeting. It is not perfect. But it does show that for every age group, identified by color, efficacy of the original COVID mRNA vaccines dropped rapidly, getting to zero by about six months. We can also see the vaccine barely works for the elders who are most at risk of a bad outcome.

Below you can see early evidence revealing that by June 2021 the government was well aware of the myocarditis problem in young men and women. So the brief benefit from the vaccine, which vanishes by 6 or 7 months, is accompanied by a risk of acute or chronic heart disease that is greatest in those who benefit least.

Excess deaths following COVID vaccinations? The media reported on them until they were induced to stop.

What about the moneypox (MPOX) vaccines? First, how big a problem is monkeypox? Currently, CDC is only hearing about 1-2 cases/day—so it appears to be rarer in the US than West Nile Virus disease, as well as much milder.


Jynneos (aka MVA-BN and other names) is by far used the most in the US, while ACAM2000 was used less frequently in the US and a Japanese vaccine is being used also, in Africa.

CDC makes different claims about this vaccine on the same page. First, CDC says, “The mpox vaccine can help prevent severe illness, hospitalization, and death from mpox.” Further down it says, “The vaccine may help protect you against severe infection, hospitalization, and death.”

It is hard to know how well it works and how safe it is, although recent studies claim it is highly effective. If that is true, why is CDC still hiding the results of its 1600 person, prospective clinical trial, which should have provided much reliable results than the observational studies. Here is the description of the hidden study. It began in February 2017 but won’t complete until the end of 2025 (9 years) because a whole new study got attached to to the completed study recently. Which sounds like something Fauci might have thought up.


CDC claims the vaccine is extraordinarily effective, though this is not what the published papers say. For example, vaccination after exposure is only 20% effective but CDC still advises it. And the vaccine will work 100% if you are never exposed to monkeypox.

I have used up all the space for one email so need to start a new post to finish.

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