I’m dreaming of a Day One Executive Order to leave the WHO. Plus a compilation of WHO Chief Scientist Jeremy Farrar’s evil deeds
Followed by a bill to remove the US from the WHO Constitution (a treaty we signed shortly after World War 2)
Such a law passed by Congress would make it impossible for a President alone to move the US back into the WHO in future. Chip Roy introduced such a bill in the last Congress.
In case anyone has forgotten that WHO is not focused on saving lives, it is worthwhile going over the career of the WHO’s Chief Scientist, Jeremy Farrar, who is probably the brains managing Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO’s Director-General.

Jeremy is a long-term collaborator with Daszak, as Emily Kopp of US Right to Know reveals, going back to Farrar’s time in Vietnam 15 years ago.
Farrar spent his childhood shuttling between international hotspots as the son of an English language teacher. I have speculated that Daddy was a British spy and that Jeremy followed in Daddy’s footsteps, managing to get a medical degree between assignments. It still is not clear whether he completed a medical residency and in what, and what his qualifications were to be sent to Vietnam for a prolonged stint in 1996. Nor what his qualifications were after that to manage the Wellcome Trust in 2013. Between making friends with, and doling out money to, the medical establishments and prominent doctors in developing nations, Farrar was assigned many other tasks.
- He was a co-discoverer of bird flu in Vietnam in 2004, and has been flaming fears of bird flu continuously for twenty years since then
- He regularly attended meetings of the WEF and Munich Security Conference.
- Farrar’s boss, when he was President of the Wellcome Trust, was Baroness Eliza Manningham-Buller, Wellcome’s Chairman of the Board, Co-President of Chatham House and the former Director-General of Britain’s spy shop MI5.
- He arranged the Proximal Origins phone call with Tony Fauci (February 1, 2020) and marshaled the paper that was birthed during the call through publication.
- He co-authored the Lancet Correspondence that attacked those of us who postulated a lab leak origin as conspiracy theorists. I wrote:On 19 February 2020, Farrar, along with 26 other scientists, published as a co-author of the Statement in support of the scientists, public health professionals, and medical professionals of China combatting COVID-19, which declared “We stand together to strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin.” [This was the DASZAK-ghost-authored Lancet letter that claimed we who suggested a lab origin were damaging relations with China in February 2020]
- He was in charge of ALL the research projects for COVID vaccines and therapies conducted under the auspices of the WHO beginning in early 2020, before becoming the WHO’s Chief Scientist in May 2023.
- He allegedly suggested to Martin Landry and Peter Horby that they conduct the UK Recovery Trial, in which approximately 1,600 (different documents claim different numbers of subjects) people were poisoned with excessively high doses of hydroxychloroquine while in hospital and with questionable informed consent.
- He helped fund the Recovery Trial with Wellcome Trust funds
- He was also the man at the top of the WHO’s Solidarity Trial, in which nearly 1,000 unwitting subjects received the identical high doses of hydroxychloroquine, using the same schedule as the Recovery Trial.
- Farrar was central to creation of the Covid Therapeutics Accelerator, with core funding from :The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), Wellcome Trust, and Mastercard.I wrote the following on June 6, 2021:While this organization (COVID Therapeutics Accelerator) did fund some hydroxychloroquine trials, if memory serves, at least 2 were shut down before completion, including one at the University of Washington, which is practically a subsidiary of the BMGF. The early Henry Ford hospital trial (in Michigan), which showed great benefit from hydroxychloroquine, never got any traction, though the doctors involved tried hard to be heard.The Bangkok-based, Oxford-funded MORU COPCOV trial was put on hold in May by the UK authorities (is this why Sir Patrick Vallance, the UK government’s Chief Scientific Adviser, was brought in as a co-conspirator, to control the trials of beneficial drugs in the UK?) on the basis of the danger of hydroxychloroquine, even though only tiny prophylactic doses were being used. By May (2020), apparently, the plan had changed, and the new goal was to shut down the hydroxychloroquine trials that might show benefit. While, on the other hand, some trials were set up under Wellcome and BMGF’s funding so their management and/or findings could be controlled.Farrar was a co-chair of the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board, designed to push nations to develop and use vaccines, therapeutics, surveillance, tests, etc. to prepare for pandemics and biowarfare
- Farrar cofounded the Coalition on Epidemic Preparedness and Response (CEPI) in 2017 with Bill Gates, to serve as a charity receiving many billions of taxpayer dollars from nations to develop vaccines and therapeutics for rare diseases and pandemics and roll them out very quickly, with little oversight, while working to “harmonize” regulations for doing so globally. With no manufacturer liability.
Jeremy is the current brains (and Wellcome Trust brawn) at the WHO. Is this a man we want to support? Is this an organization the US can trust and benefit from?