Why is conservative Trump supporter and famed strategist Leonard Leo working with Mike Pence to sink RFK, Jr’s nomination?
Is it only about the $250 K Mike Pence paid Leo's PR firm, or is there more to this story?

A public relations firm chaired by Federalist Society Co-chair Leonard Leo is assisting an effort to derail Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s nomination to lead the government’s health agencies.
Leo’s firm, CRC Advisors, is helping publicize the campaign by Advancing American Freedom, the advocacy group founded by former Vice President Mike Pence, to convince GOP senators to block Kennedy.
Is this Leonard Leo working WITH Trump, or working AGAINST Trump?

Pharma paid Mike Pence, Pence Paid Leo, and now the issue has become abortion, rather than Big Pharma profits. Funny how that works.

Kennedy has told Senators he is there to carry out POTUS’ policies, and abortion is an issue where he will carry out the will of the President.

I really hate it when the media so blithely refuse to carefully check facts. I feel strongly about the issue of cell phones and tumors because I actually had a meningioma (fortunately benign) in my spine, and so I studied the causes of these tumors. There is considerable evidence that brain meningiomas, acoustic neuromas and glioblastomas are all increased in those who held a cellphone up against their head for long periods of time.
This was known ten years ago, but it seems to have been scrubbed and replaced since then. A very reliable source that has reviewed all the literature on this subject is Lewis Slesin. Here is what he wrote in 2016. Go to the link for the full article.

Slesin was also quoted in The NY Times about this subject in 2010 in a comprehensive article on the international research.
I think the author of the Forbes article meant there was a reported link between school shootings by students and antidepressant drugs. I thought that link was well established, though Pharma probably does not want it to be widely known.
What is wrong with providing people with information and allowing them to make up their own minds on what vaccines or drugs they take? Don’t we have laws enshrining bodily autonomy and informed consent? The COVID experience taught us that we “trust the science” at our own risk. Once bitten, twice shy.
So, it seems Pharma, Pence and Leo will be beating up on Bobby Kennedy for trying to fix the disaster that is our bought-and-paid for public “health” establishment. For a mere $250,000, they will try and sink our only chance to make serious inroads on the chronic disease epidemic and the pretend “healthcare” plaguing our country. For twenty pieces of silver. Not a good look for Pence or Leo.
And where is our POTUS on this?