WHO Monkeypox Update: another demonstration of ridiculous priorities
Why not focus more resources on TB, HIV and malaria which kill millions each year?
When you have limited resources, an aid agency should go after the biggest killers. In Africa, these are Tuberculosis (treatable with antibiotics), Malaria (treatable with antimalarials and preventable with drugs, mosquito repellant and treated bed nets and HIV (controllable with drugs and preventable with education and condoms).
Instead it has focused enormous resources on MPOX, the renamed Monkeypox, a minor virus which kills almost no one and completely resolves in 2-4 weeks, whether or not it gets treated.
Proportionality: How the MPOX threat compares to these 3 other deadly diseases
- Tuberculosis, according to the WHO, killed an estimated 424,000 people in Africa in 2022.
- Malaria killed 569,000 Africans, mostly small children, in 2023, according to the WHO.
- In 2022, 380,000 Africans died from HIV-related illness, according to the WHO.
Here are the monkeypox statistics from the WHO, hot off the press:

In a bit over 3 years, the total confirmed death rate for the entire world (and many who succumbed had HIV or other conditions) is 272—less than 100 deaths per year, worldwide.
In the past six weeks, African countries reported over 5,800 cases and 5 deaths—which is less than 1 person in 1,000 with confirmed monkeypox who died.
Yet tens or hundreds of millions of dollars were spent on a vain attempt to vaccinate Africans (using the Jynneos vaccine that has not been shown to work in Africans and has only been shown to work in the West using cherry-picked, CDC data). Most likely this was to use up a stockpile of worthless vaccine the US government has spent well over a billion dollars to accrue, since it was a “too big to fail” project of BARDA, an agency within HHS created after the anthrax letters of 2001 that has spent many $billions and developed almost nothing of value for Americans.
The WHO went all in on this project. So did the media, ginning up fear while using photographs of smallpox or zoster cases. It seems the true purpose of the monkeypox scamdemic was to generate fear and support for the pandemic preparedness agenda.
BTW, if the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty and its biosecurity agenda is adopted, the WHO’s proposed budget—to manage all its new, governing roles—is estimated to require at least ten times as much funding as it receives currently, of which 85% comes from voluntary donations, most to accomplish specific tasks. Only 15% of the current budget comes from dues.
Nations would then likely see their dues going up by a factor of 10 to 100 times what they currently pay, so that the WHO could impose surveillance, censorship and govern their public health.
Someone must have thought they needed something dramatic to get everyone on board, and monkeypox might just fit the bill. So now they are giving African children a vaccine that was never approved for them, which can cause myocarditis. Exit the WHO and Exit the Pandemic Agenda. Great move, Italy!