I said yesterday that the government is trying to destroy the health care system. Nursing homes are about to lose many staff.

No Medicaid and Medicare funds to nursing homes without fully vaxxed staff.  Yet the staff have seen what the vaccinations did to the residents, which is probably why they are the least vaccinated healthcare workers.

Woe to those who have to live in nursing homes.  Hospitals are losing staff.  This is not by chance, but by design.  The institutions of society are being decimated.  Death by 1,000 cuts.

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  1. I just realized something else. The injection mandates will likely have a side effect, as many of these mandates include a clause that states "or submit to weekly testing." That means there will be many more "unvaccinated" (and note, many unsymptomatic) forced into the pool counted as cases. These numbers will then be used to justify their stance, "You see, just like we said, this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated…" It is all so wicked!

  2. Trust UK Health Agency's better then our own.
    Covid-19 Injections Increase Risk of Death Due to Covid-19 for Under 50’s by up to 177.5% According to 'Public Health England Data'.

    Has the Sars-CoV-2 Virus Ever Really Been Isolated?
    What is the alleged PCR Test picking up, a Super Flu, Bio-Eng Wu-Han Lab? Fauci, Collins, NIH & Red China? Courtesy US Taxpayers?
    Over the last several months Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests have been made to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) asking for evidence that CDC has isolated or purified the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
    On June 7, 2021, the CDC confirmed (again) in writing they do not have any records showing they have ever isolated or purified the virus that allegedly causes the disease called COVID-19.

  3. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK! 'Meryl Nass, M.D.'

    Your Legions Of Excellent Efforts Have Not Gone Unnoticed, By People That Are Still Critical Thinkers On These Issues!

    God Bless!

  4. Public education also seems to be on their list. New injection mandates for all public school personnel in both California and Washington states. Also now in Portland public schools in Oregon, with surely more districts to follow. Teachers, support staff, bus drivers, administration, everyone. Many will quit. I will quit. Destruction of public education has been a long held agenda from many quarters for years. Last year was a huge windfall to big data, the googles and microsloth empires, when districts were forced to go online. And those oligarchs don't want to let that go… Who needs schools and teachers? Families can go online and be self-taught.

  5. Just a 'Critical Thinker', they use to teach that in Schools during my Generation. The Vaccine for a Virus, the CDC stipulates it cannot 'Isolate', or 'Pasteurized'? Exist?
    Plus how can it be Mandated? We are going to mandate a Vaccine, the CDC says a Virus it does not exist?
    Plus the creator of the PCR test? The PCR Test FRAUD – Dr. Kerry Mullis Explains How
    His PCR Test Can 'Potentially Find ANYTHING You Are
    looking For' – His Death Just 3 Months Before Covid
    Formally Appeared Is More Than Suspicious – Watch

  6. Just wanted to note that "pasteurization" is a process of sterilization (e.g., milk is pasteurized before sale to destroy potentially pathogenic bacteria it may contain in its raw state). The word has no place in discussions of whether or not SARS-CoV-2 exists.

    It might seem like a nit-picky thing, but sounding like an ignoramus about one small thing makes it easy for others to dismiss every thing we say. (If we can't be relied upon to get even the basic science right, then nothing we say is convincing.)

    Please, if you don't have a background in the biological sciences, leave it to the experts. We cannot afford to be dismissed as cranks who don't have any idea what we're talking about.

  7. A.) The CDC’s Mask Mandate Study: Debunked!
    B.) Still No Conclusive Evidence Justifying Mandatory Masks!
    C.) Disposable surgical face masks for preventing surgical wound infection in clean surgery!
    We included three trials, involving a total of 2106 participants. 'There was 'no statistically significant difference in infection rates' between the masked and unmasked group in any of the trials'. We identified no new trials for this latest update.

  8. Smoking Gun Evidence That FDA Knows COVID Vaccines Will Cause Fatal Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome In Children
    – christiansfortruth.Com/smoking-gun-evidence-that-fda-knows-covid-vaccines-will-cause-fatal-multisystem-inflammatory-syndrome-in-children/

  9. One of the most famous lines in Rand’s novel The Fountainhead:

    “Don’t bother to examine a folly — ask yourself only what it accomplishes.”

  10. Let's start with this mostly unacknowledged problem: the vaccinated have had the rug pulled right out from under their feet. They were secure in the knowledge that they did the right thing. They dutifully rolled up their sleeves, problem solved, COVID could no longer touch them. Oops!

    Cue the needle screeching across the record, painfully. (Sorry, youngsters, if that's not an image that makes you cringe as it does us old-timers.)

    Now the vaccinated are aware that there is no truth to the bogus "fact" that they would no longer be in any danger from COVID. The booster shot is being pushed, and pushed hard — but will it be any better than the first two ineffective shots?

    The fact that the "vaccine" is not a vaccine is becoming obvious.

  11. We are living like in Germany 1930. Hospital where my unvaxxed daughter works thinking to create special sighs that unvaxxed should wear on their chest. We need to fight fascism

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