NY Times is also having trouble with the various ways of counting and reporting Covid deaths

 Just some excerpts from the NYT article:

For more than a year since the coronavirus outbreak, New York State officials have stuck with an approach that has allowed the state to report a lower and incomplete death toll.

The number of deaths reported on the state’s online dashboard, and during Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s numerous coronavirus briefings, only includes people who died at hospitals, nursing homes and adult-care facilities, but not at home or prisons, for example. The toll also includes only deaths that were confirmed with a coronavirus test by a lab.

New York’s methodology differs from that of many other states, as well as the federal government’s National Center for Health Statistics, which uses more precise criteria to assemble state-by-state death tolls, relying on death certificates submitted by state health departments.

Now, the effect of New York’s more constrained count has begun to show: The state’s official coronavirus death toll as of Wednesday was about 43,000, compared with the death toll of more than 54,000 compiled by the N.C.H.S., a subdepartment of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention…

“With regards to deaths, the gold standard is the death certificate,” said Bob Anderson, chief of mortality statistics at the N.C.H.S. “The reporting in the permanent record will be from the death certificates and that will be true for New York and for the United States.e said a death would be added to the official tally “if the death certificate says the death was caused by Covid-19, or Covid-19 was a significant factor.[Note that he is misspeaking–the instructions from Anderson’s office say that a death will be counted as a Covid death if Covid is mentioned on the death certificate.  I have quoted the precise language used about 6 months ago.]

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  1. Anderson is completely mistaken.

    This slapdash continue to be a huge piece of the problem to obtain adequate evidence of actual deaths DUE TO covid.

    "COVID-19 listed as an underlying or contributing cause of death on a death certificate, or with appropriate symptoms and likely exposure." — This is what Massachusetts DPH has used since Sept., prior to that, the definition was as shaky, without saying if that was better or worse.


    In August, Mass DPH said 1.8% of 8,626 deaths occurred with Sars CoV2 being the ONLY symptom.

    This percentage as of July 14, 2021 has now dropped to 0.88%.

    Or: 159 of ~18,000 covid ‘deaths’ in Mass. — "COVID-19 listed as an underlying or contributing cause of death on a death certificate, or with appropriate symptoms and likely exposure."

    From March to August 2020, there was ZERO deaths in age category 0-19 in Mass.

    Using the "new" definition the Mass DPH began using in September 2020 — a death in 0-19 was first reported that month, and another in October.

    As of July 2021, Mass DPH reports a total of 13 deaths, 0-19 age cat.

    Mass is ~2% of USA population; therefore, using this proportion, there would be ~650 deaths nationwide.

    However, how many of the 13 in Mass. are DUE TO covid?

    This state last updated on June 23 its delineation of:
    1] “known” if there was preexisting condition and death = 9,837
    2] "unknown if had a preexisting condition" = 7,894
    3] and "did not have a preexisting condition" = 159.

    Nearly half in Massachusetts, let's call a spade a spade, are just guesses as to what they actually died from.

    There is no other way to rationally and fairly state this.

    If essential medical data is unknown, then no rational conclusions can be drawn: simple logic, basic science, essential medical protocol.

    What may or not be inferred from the Mass. data is that

    1] at the very most, 650 'dead', 0-19 when covid may [or may not] have been present, nationwide, for those willing to accept this proportion to entire USA.

    2] nearly half of all the covid-related death claims are based on thin to non existent whatever, since there was no actual medical examination to accurately determine any co-morbitity and the like.

    Mass DPH says in their raw data file:
    "Count of individuals who died on that date that met the confirmed definition of COVID-19. [Please refer to the resource page for the current definition. Note that this will not equal the “DeathsConfNew” column on the DeathsReported.CSV file. This file is based on date the death occurred and DeathsReported.xlsx is based on date the death was reported]."

    This also qualifies as ass-covering. The states can blame the CDC since the CDC took the liberty well over a year ago: to be incoherent and wrecked/garbled how death had traditionally been defined on death cert.


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