Canadian doctor fired from his academic position by provincial authorities for advising young people against Covid vaccine
Thanks to CDC for these weekly influenza stats
Senator Lankford of Oklahoma discusses the effect of the mandates on his constitutents and perhaps a new currency system?
The Congressional Record (HR Rep. No. 106-371 at 254-55) shows that on October 8, 1999 it stated, “The Department[of Defense] is directed to enter into a contract with the National Research Council to independently study the effectiveness and safety of the anthrax vaccine. The following issues shall be considered in the report: the types and…
Despite data showing twice the rate of miscarriages in women who received Cervarix, FDA approved this new HPV vaccine from GlaxoSmithKline for the US market: the first-ever vaccine licensed in the US with a novel adjuvant, named ASO4. According to a GSK press release, “In clinical trials, the most common side effects after vaccination with…
The BMJ, a medical journal that is more open to controversial subjects than most, just published an investigative piece and editorial claiming that Andrew Wakefield et al’s research on children with developmental and gastrointestinal disorders and the MMR vaccine was “fraud.” Wakefield’s original research paper was retracted last year by the Lancet, following a decision…
I have been remiss by not reporting much on the significant leak of data that was shared with the DRASTIC team, and written about elsewhere. I just didn’t (and don’t) have time to review a lot of it, but it is very important material. Here is a link to the collection: Below is a…
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Appalling gas lighting by totally brainwashed idiots. When will they admit they are wrong? After half the population is dead or sterile?