Boston U study says Ohio’s million dollar lotteries failed to increase vaccination rates
And furthermore, it seems that perhaps 78% of Ohioans on Medicaid have figured out there is no such thing as a free lunch. Bully for them!
“The state’s current vaccination rate of 48% remains behind the national rate of 55% of people who have received at least one dose of a vaccine. Ohio House Minority Leader Emilia Strong Sykes, D-Akron, said 78% of Ohioans on Medicaid, 69% of Black Ohioans and 72% of Latinx Ohioans have not been vaccinated.
“Vax-a-Million further exposed what we already knew – that we’ve got our work cut out for us, and it will take more than monetary incentives to get the job done,” Sykes said.”
Have you seen this article, Alien Vaccines with Mutant Spikes?
Alien Vaccines with Mutant Spike
A.) Pierre Kory/FLCCC? 'Ivermectin. It Works!'
Meta-analysis of randomized trials of ivermectin to treat SARS-CoV-2 infection
Andrew Hill, Anna Garratt, Jacob Levi, Jonathan Falconer, Leah Ellis, Kaitlyn McCann, Victoria Pilkington, Ambar Qavi, Junzheng Wang, Hannah Wentzel
Open Forum Infectious Diseases, ofab358,
Published: 06 July 2021
The accused are served legal notice for their attempt to undermine the authority of the Bombay High Court and obstruct the use of Ivermectin for Covid-19 treatment.
On 13th June 2021, Indian Bar Association has served a notice upon Dr.Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General, World Health Organisation, Dr.Soumya Swaminathan, the Chief Scientist at WHO and Prof. (Dr.) Sunil Kumar for contempt of judgment of Bombay High Court.
Ivermectin works because it's not the virus that kills, it's the parasite that the virus allows to grow that kills.
At the risk of sounding like a conspiracy theorist, I had to ask why they didn't want anyone taking HCQ? & why they are trying to do the same with Ivermectin?
Both are parasitics. Both of these drugs are considered "essential drugs" by the WHO. That means that they are very important. Suramin is also a WHO "essential drug'. Suramin is what's found in the White Pine Tea.
There are several parasitics that the WHO knows are safe & very important. Why would they pretend that they are dangerous & not helpful?
These state sponsored lotteries to entice & coerce people into being injected as part of a medical experiment are completely illegal, as they violate the letter and the spirit of the EUA requirements. In addition, we now know for certain that Pfizer, Moderna, and the FDA are not providing the people with anything approaching "informed consent". The FDA has also failed to address the CHD petition calling for the termination of this travesty before more people, including children are harmed.
The American people are being lied to on a scale that is inexplicable and unfathomable, by not just by the manufacturers, but also by the President of the United States, Congress, State and local governments.
We ALL need to hit the streets to STOP this carnage masquerading as a needed medical intervention. The virus that causes Covid is much less damaging to the human body then the near and long-term damages that will be knowingly inflicted by these gene-editing procedures that are deceptively called vaccines.
Hopefully CHD can get an immediate the Congress to immediately pass a law, retroactively, to FORCE doctors to file VAERS reports on 100% of patients being injured or dying from these medical procedures. Without accurate VAERS data, the FDA can continue to claim there is no problem. In conjunction, the VAERS reporting system MUST be removed form the control of the CDC. Its clear the CDC is the sales department for Big Pharma, and it's also clear that they are manipulating and deleting negative information from VAERS to keep their employers happy.
And if Biden won't sign the bill, he and Harris should both be impeached and removed from office.
MRNA Inventor Says To Stop COVID “Vaccines” Now!
Lottery for testing for coronavirus could increase accuracy with better results then admitted unreliable pcr antibody testing rapid and blood inaccurate test as stated in tests?
Perhaps China with low or near no cases needs some of these unreliable rapid pcr antibodies tests and blood antibody tests to increase cases? We could go fund China send them some of these unreliable antibody tests made in China to help see if cases change with unreliable tests currently for case numbers globally?
Reports of President of Sumpreme Court of Haitii died from Covid per test results? How are we to know accuracy if reliable news report with case purported from unreliable pcr tests?
Call me koo koo, however if your report your pcr testing for Covid19 are unreliable even in blood tests does not distinguish regular corona virus from Covid19 in blood test for unreliable output if really regular coronavirus of 2 million cases for years and years with 0 deaths cold like symptoms some similar to Covid19?
Per blood antibody testing,
How is this test conducted?
The test requires a blood draw.
Why aren’t you using a rapid test?
Our research determined that, at this time, many of the rapid tests provide unreliable results when compared with the information LabCorp has provided on their tests. While data is limited for all antibody tests at this stage, we felt our customers would prefer accuracy over speed.
If you have been in recent contact with the virus and you test negative for the antibody, it does not rule out a current or developing infection.
If you test positive, it could be due to past or present infection with a different coronavirus strain other than COVID-19.
Positive results do not currently indicate a person is immune from COVID-19. Additional studies are underway to determine if antibodies will prevent re-infection.