This is what the Board of Licensure in Medicine said about me
Here is the claim in a nutshell. The order of Immediate Suspension stated,
“The Board concludes that the continued ability of Dr.
Nass to practice as a physician in the State of Maine constitutes an
immediate jeopardy to the health and physical safety of the public who
might receive her medical services, and that it is necessary to
immediately suspend her ability to practice medicine in order to
adequately respond to this risk.”
This is what a letter to the Editor published today said about my ability as a physician:
Dear Editor:
I would like to express my support for Dr. Meryl Nass and her quest
for the reinstatement of her medical license. She is a highly regarded
internist who truly understands the “big picture.” She has treated both
my sister and me successfully for complex issues unnoticed by our
primary caregivers. She also literally saved my elderly father’s life.
He was misdiagnosed with renal disease, causing heart failure. He was
hospitalized and appeared to be going downhill fast. Because it was the
weekend, his primary doctor was not available. The on-duty hospitalist,
Dr. Nass, immediately recognized the real problem as something different
and prescribed an alternate treatment with positive results. My father
quickly rebounded and went on to live for several more years.
I believe Dr. Nass’s focus on COVID treatment and skepticism of the
vaccine-only orthodoxy has played out to be well founded. Her suspension
was little more than political theatre and I hope for her reinstatement
and vindication when clearer heads prevail. Good luck, Dr. Nass.
Tom Marinke
We need a parallel medical system, because the current one does not have our best interest at heart and silence those who do.