Peter Daszak refuses to supply documents to Congress
Why should he comply? He is obviously protected at a very high level.
After Trump forced Francis Collins to revoke a grant, Daszak publicly insulted Trump. I think the reports of his remarks were later censored.
After Trump pulled the grant, Daszak got a bigger NIH grant several months later.
After he lost the first grant, 77 or 81 US Nobel laureates in science (who knew there were so many?) demanded that NIH give him his money back.
All I want to know is who are his protectors?
hi meryl
Unless there was a typo in your link (unlikely), it appears that Linked In has already censored the "9 Reasons to Drop Support and Mandates for Investigational COVID-19 Vaccines/ Dr. Peter McCullough" that you linked to on Jul 5.
The level of worldwide censorship together with the blithe disregard for it among many of my so-called left friends truly scares me (I still regard myself at left).
An other great article from Just the news came out today worth reading:
"LinkedIn restores account of mRNA vaccine pioneer who warns about their risks"
"Robert Malone says a "senior executive" reached out to personally apologize for the unwarranted suspension."
British Royals-MI6 protect Peter Danzek.