For Those Who Say the Science is Settled

From FOX: a story about a young marine who nearly died after receiving smallpox vaccine. But when deploying soldiers get so many vaccines at once, including anthrax vaccine, how did the military manage to identify smallpox vaccine as the single cause? Lance Cpl. Josef Lopez still suffers from injuries he began experiencing in Iraq three…
Damon Winter/The New York Times The NY Times obtained a classified coalition report that acknowledges “a rapidly growing systemic homicide threat, a magnitude of which may be unprecedented between ‘allies’ in modern military history”– i.e., US soldiers are being murdered by the very Afghani forces they are training and working alongside. A full 6% of…
First CNBC set up the story. It provided facts that actually don’t mean very much. but sound frightening. It said the virus is 1,000 times more transmissible than the original. In fact, precisely this strategy was used in the early days of Covid. The variant is highly contagious, largely because people infected with the…
From 3/2008 CIDRAP: Until now, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which is advised by the ACIP, recommended flu vaccination for children from 6 through 59 months old. The new ACIP recommendation expands the target groups to include children from ages 5 through 18 years. That adds about 30 million children to the…
Here is some amazing information from the UK’s Office of National Statistics. It is a list, by age group, of deaths in which no other comorbidities, besides COVID, are listed on the death certificate. From the start of the pandemic until the end of December 2021, 23 months, there were only 3 child deaths IN…
Snippets from Deutsche World online: Amid criticism that it exaggerated the dangers of swine flu, the World Health Organization (WHO) has begun a week long meeting in Geneva. Critics accuse the organization of having been too quick to proclaim a pandemic. British member of parliament Paul Flynn wants an investigation into exactly how the pandemic…