German Health Ministry admits one serious side effect per 5,000 doses, advises those suffering to seek care

From Niko Kyriakou at Truthout, excerpts: Wow, what a year 2009 was for makers of the swine flu vaccine. CSL Limited‘s profits rose 63 percent above 2008 levels, while in the third quarter of 2009 – just about the time H1N1 contracts picked up steam – GlaxoSmithKine enjoyed a 30 percent jump in earnings to…
Another classic you should not miss from the brilliant Julius Ruechel. I excerpted only a bit to give you a sense of what he has taken on. “…What is emerging as a consequence of your choices is a kind of authoritarian corporate-government partnership that is accountable only to itself, and uses its corporate partners…
But FBI’s report, documents and accompanying information (only pertaining to Ivins, not to the rest of the investigation) were released on Friday afternoon… which means the FBI anticipated doubt and ridicule. And the National Academies of Science (NAS) is several months away from issuing its $879,550 report on the microbial forensics, suggesting a) asking NAS…
A 2010 update to Cochrane’s 2007 metaanalysis of the published clinical trial literature on influenza vaccinations found not a lot to recommend the vaccines. Cochrane pointed out, “Healthy adults are presently targeted mainly in North America.” The implication is that Europe, where most reviewers reside, is too smart to push mass flu shots on its…
This is truly frightening. Misinformation (to be controlled via tech companies) is being treated as a crime, though never defined. A bill has been introduced to give the tech companies cover to censor and turn over private data to government. In other words, Congress may ‘legalize’ censorship and criminalize first amendment rights to freedom of…
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'The risk-benefit of the Covid vaccines is getting worse and worse and worse'!
This morning, the German Federal Ministry of Health posted a stunning tweet, admitting that 1 out of every 5,000 Covid jabs cause “serious side effects.”
This figure is likely a 'sharp underestimate', given the fact that side effect reporting systems for drugs and vaccines are largely voluntary.
"This figure is likely a 'sharp underestimate', given the fact that side effect reporting systems for drugs and vaccines are largely voluntary."!