9/11: the way the buildings collapsed provides the proof of what happened.
Madhava Setty and I get to the bottom of the events
My buddy Madhava Setty, MD, was a mechanical engineer with an MIT degree, before he decided to become a doctor instead. Having believed the MSM narrative about 9/11 for many years, presumably because he was too busy doctoring (and not because he was ignorant nor gullible), he finally awoke a few years ago.
He did not just awake. He dove into the details of 9/11 the way an engineer would.
But he did something else. He tried to figure out why people like himself had bought the narrative. How could so many people be so gullible? And how might people be taught to cut through the propaganda, and examine their own thought processes to more easily reach the truth? Not just on this issue, but on many issues. And he wrote a book to help people do just that, titled “Woke.” It’s a very good book, very different from a self-help book. It’s not psychology. But IS helping us be smarter people. Very different from any book I have ever read. I’d give it 5 stars. And it has nothing to do with Wokeness, thank goodness.
Madhava and I sat down so he could explain the building collapses to me, and the following video resulted. Enjoy.