Nigel Farage (“Mr. Brexit”) rolled out a major campaign to reform the WHO in the UK–and to stop the 2 WHO treaties
This happened yesterday and we will help
This happened yesterday and we will help
Advancing medical science is important! Trust me, I'm a virologist! My comments in italics.
Advancing medical science is important! Trust me, I’m a virologist! My comments in italics.
From the Atlanta journal-Constitution, Jan 22, 2024
From the Atlanta journal-Constitution, Jan 22, 2024
The Attorney Generals' office begs to rewrite it. It took from September to December to write the original order, but now it seems it was done sloppily and they are asking permission for a redo.
The Attorney Generals’ office begs to rewrite it. It took from September to December to write the original order, but now it seems it was done sloppily and they are asking permission for a redo.
Article dated December 24, 2024. Provides many reasons to leave the WHO.
Article dated December 24, 2024. Provides many reasons to leave the WHO.
Many people are asking about recess appts (remember John Bolton's?). Jeff Childers and The Center for Renewing America dig deeper than anyone else on the law around this issue
Many people are asking about recess appts (remember John Bolton’s?). Jeff Childers and The Center for Renewing America dig deeper than anyone else on the law around this issue