Slow the WHO process down (if you don’t kick it to the curb)
You don't have a final version of either treaty yet; the IHR negotiations have been conducted in secret for 17 months; no one is ready for this change in world governance
You don't have a final version of either treaty yet; the IHR negotiations have been conducted in secret for 17 months; no one is ready for this change in world governance
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Health authorities hoped new shot targeting Omicron would lift sluggish booster rates, but some say they don’t need it"
Health authorities hoped new shot targeting Omicron would lift sluggish booster rates, but some say they don’t need it”
Is that why all the publicity has focused on the lack of efficacy of the bivalent boosters? Cause a newer one is on the threat board?
Is that why all the publicity has focused on the lack of efficacy of the bivalent boosters? Cause a newer one is on the threat board?
And after investigating so many UN meetings happening over the past few months, I throw in my two cents about them, too
And after investigating so many UN meetings happening over the past few months, I throw in my two cents about them, too
See the video, my live blog and community comments
See the video, my live blog and community comments