My friend Reggie Littlejohn did a great job explaining the WHO mess in 13 minutes and how it will lead to a Chinese-style totalitarian state
and it is still up on YouTube. A miracle in itself.
and it is still up on YouTube. A miracle in itself.
The Lancet COVID Commission and One Health are important parts of the globalists' narrative
The Lancet COVID Commission and One Health are important parts of the globalists’ narrative
The official meetings for today ended a few minutes ago and will reconvene at 9:30 am Geneva time (3:30 am EDT)
The official meetings for today ended a few minutes ago and will reconvene at 9:30 am Geneva time (3:30 am EDT)
I was locked out of my substack and twitter accounts for the past few days, and been fighting a PayPal fraud. I was not even allowed to comment or ❤️ other accounts.
I was locked out of my substack and twitter accounts for the past few days, and been fighting a PayPal fraud. I was not even allowed to comment or ❤️ other accounts.
In which we talk strategies for stopping the WHO in the second half
In which we talk strategies for stopping the WHO in the second half
Important backstories behind the news you're getting. More coming.
Important backstories behind the news you’re getting. More coming.
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