Thanks for your help. It has been critical. We brought on two stars in February. We will defeat the WHO

Sue Sweetin and Elizabeth Kucinich are amazing activists. We are making the connections with the leaders who can make a difference, working in concert with Sovereignty Coalition members.

Our friend, the Midwestern Doctor, wrote two long pieces about the WHO and our efforts. He donated the money he made for new subscriptions he received for those articles to Door to Freedom. We got a nice boost in paid subscriptions of about $8,000.

I am off to DC next week to meet with 2 members of Congress and do an interview. When people see what is planned, they jump aboard the “NO WHO” train. We hav e been getting our materials together. So much to do. DrAFT LETTERS FOR OFFICIALS, CHOOSE/DRAFT MODEL LEGISLATION OR RESOLUTIONS.GET buy-in from other activists. Coordinate.But it is all coming together. Expect magic.

If you are friends or acquaintances with a governor, AG or legislator, let us know. They need a quick education in the WHO and we want to help you to provide it.We will start pushing out assets Monday or Tuesday. Let me know if you can help.

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