Defeat the Mandates! Sunday April 10 in LA. Incredible lineup of speakers. Watch live at The Highwire
For anyone who hasn’t seen the Joe Rogan interview – here are links. To find Dr Malone: The website:
FDA issued a license today for COMINATY, Pfizer’s Covid vaccine. There are caveats. It does not apply to the 12-15 age group. It does not apply to any vaccine currently located in clinics. Until vaccine appears on shelves with the COMINATY label, it is authorized and remains experimental, buying people a few days, I guess. …
A group of psychiatrists [UPDATE: See Dr. Jeffrey Kaye’s analysis of the panel composition] offered their forensic expertise in solving the anthrax criminal investigation, by using their insight into the criminal mind. Somehow DC Judge Royce E. Lamberth blessed them, and FBI paid the $38,000 bill. The group only had one suspect, whose confidential medical…
US media have been silent about this elephant in the room: those who recover from Ebola are likely to have positive PCR tests of semen, vaginal fluid, breast milk, urine and skin (including sweat) for one to several months after recovery. There are several anecdotes describing disease transmission to a partner following recovery. Because it… How to End Medical Blindness In the previous parts (1, 2, 3, and 4) of this series, I have tried to illustrate potential explanations for why physicians are unable to see medical injuries and that they will frequently gaslight patients through their denial that these injuries could have occurred. The ideas I put forward…
From the Miami Herald today: The Army announced Tuesday that all active-duty units are expected to be fully vaccinated by Dec. 15 while Reserve and National Guard units are expected to be fully vaccinated by June 30, 2022. The plan complies with an Aug. 24 memo from Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin that mandated COVID-19 vaccines for all…