Light chit chat while I am down with flu

Love this one. Who would have suspected that the owners of our mainstream press could be bought off so cheaply, and would willingly torpedo freedom of the press? Centralization of almost all the US’ major media into 7 big companies is all it took. And they don’t seem to mind their subsidiaries committing suicide, which is a unique (and dare I say it, unsustainable) business strategy.

It is critical that we overturn the censorship now being imposed, and the greater, legally sanctioned censorship the WHO and the rest of the globalist system is trying to install.

Another way to impinge on freedom of speech is to make speech barely intelligible. I tried several ways to tell a story when I was forced to wear a mask, but I don’t know how many people grasped my meaning. In this case, I sewed an “evil eye”talisman to my mask, trying to indicate that the mask was simply another talisman, trying to ward off the evil COVID through magic.

We can’t let this happen. We had a hypnotized population with COVID and it’s critical we manage to stop our friends and family from being hypnotized again.

Nowadays the COVID restrictions are gone, but people still need to realize that the idea of our “elected” leaders is to take our freedoms and our wealth from us. We have to be ready to do this again and find other ways to win this war against the people.

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