“You can’t handle the truth!” said Jack Nicolson. Can we handle opinion?

The Israel Gaza mess started Oct 7. I was traveling, very busy giving talks, and finally had time and dared to begin posting on it on October 17. I only had one data point of importance: the 6 or 7 hour delay in help arriving. To me that meant some sort of inside job.

My first thought, exactly as I had thought when I saw the twin towers falling, was, “How much blood will be extracted in return?”

It has been ten days since I posted my first Israel-Gaza collection and for the first time total subscriptions have come down, and stayed essentially flat. I find this so interesting. We have to get used to dealing with shocks that discombobulate our world view, get clear on the relevant facts, and sort things out. I hope you all are sharpening your skill-set, as I try to do. Not asking for commiseration. Isn’t it interesting?

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