Switzerland: Electoral Landslide to the Right.

By Peter Koenig Global Research, October 24, 2023

More populist voting will scare the globalists, one hopes, and encourage other nations to do the same


Swiss Parliamentary elections on 22 October 2023 resulted in a landslide to the right. Granted, Switzerland was mostly right leaning for years. However, this rather strong shift to the right was internationally not expected.

The right-wing People’s Party, already with a Parliamentary majority, gained nine new seats to the detriment of the Greens and the Liberal Greens. Together they lost 11 seats. The middle parties stayed about where they were before. The socialists made a modest gain of two seats, probably spillover from the Greens.

Is this a sign that the Swiss are gradually waking up and readopt human base-values, as His Excellency, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, pointed out in his video recording “Wake up from the Slumber”:

“The awakening of the consciousness is the first step towards liberation from the subversive leadership that has reserved the high places in both the national and international institutions because opening one’s eyes and looking at reality is essential.:

If you have to understand what is really happening, denounce the globalist coup d’etat and regain the national sovereignty and fundamental freedoms that have been taken away from you. You have all witnessed in recent years a radical change in society; a change planned by people without any electoral mandate and imposed by sold-out rulers.”

“The United States of America, like many other nations hostage to the Agenda 2030, is facing a very serious crisis: inflation, an out-of-control self-induced migration crisis, human trafficking and child trafficking, rampant crime, and the weakening of law enforcement.”

See this for the Archbishop’s full video.

Archbishop Vigano spoke primarily to the people of the United States. He might as well have spoken to the Europeans and the Swiss. The recent election results would appear as if the Swiss had listened.

What is the Right, What is the Left?  “Controlled Opposition”?

This significant move to the right may be a sign of awakening – awakening to the aberrant neo-fascist “green policies,” coercing the world’s economy to be driven by green energy, mandating to demolish one of the most efficient and secure sources of energy, clean nuclear power and doing away with hydrocarbon energy – gas and oil – for which by now the most extraordinary technologies have made these sources of energy multiple times cleaner than they were 20 to 30 years ago.

Do you know, that still today, after a massive propaganda for the last 30 years (since the 1992 custom-made UN Conference on the Environment, also called Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro) against petrol and gas, the CO2 cum climate change / global warming hoax – some 85% of all energy used in the world still comes from hydrocarbon? No change since 1992.

The absurd green movement wants to convert this power source to solar and wind energy, killing cows for their CO2 production – creating wanton famine, and death – and on the way ruin the world economy, as is already visible in the US, and even worse in Europe.

Maybe Switzerland did wake up? They may also be aware of the nefarious UN Agenda 2030, the WEF’s Great Reset, both identical – the unholy marriage between the World Economic Forum, a globalist NGO, heavenly seated in Geneva Switzerland, and the United Nations, a world body, created after WWII to foster peace and to mediate conflict solutions between warring countries.

The Swiss, as well as many Westerners, may gradually see through the invention of “COVID” – at best the equivalent of an innocuous flu, and the creation of a series of deadly vaxxes which have seen excess mortality skyrocket in the past two years throughout the Western world.

The Swiss are also becoming increasingly aware of the inferno “Woke” agenda, the criminal Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer or Questioning – or LGBTQ-plus agenda (also oddly but quite adroitly called the “letter-agenda”), which has infiltrated schools to the point where transgender ideas are literally promoted. In some parts of Switzerland 11-year-old kids may decide on their own, on a sex change, without parental approval or interference.

In Switzerland, where public schools have benefitted from a consistently good record, homeschooling was basically not known until about 2019. With “COVID”, homeschooling started taking hold also in Switzerland. Today it is still at a low 0.7% of all school-age children (compare with US – about 3.3%).

Over the past couple of years, homeschooling has more than doubled, and tends to increase rapidly, as parents do not want to continue exposing their kids to the nonsensical and outright criminal teaching of the despicable woke and gender agenda, promoted at certain public schools – and encouraged by the government.

Of course, the media will not tell you that.

The media analyzing on behalf of the globalists fatal election results, invent all sorts of reasons, like fear of increasing crime because of refugees and job-steeling immigrants. Such propaganda is, indeed, also being hammered into the brains of Western populations in Europe and the US and may influence the ever more discrimination-prone thinking of “white” people.

The media in Switzerland and elsewhere will never admit the truth – namely, that the people are waking up to the horrors of globalization, and are instead seeking true values of humanity, family, community, human and political sovereignty, ethical values and to some extent back to simplicity.

This is what the Right is currently offering, as the left has failed bitterly, being largely submissive to the globalist agenda.

Back to “simplicity” would doubtlessly mean stepping down from extreme capitalism, consumerism and “elitism”. Simplicity, an attribute that needs new fervor. The Tavistock technique of mind and social engineering feeds on the addiction of consumerism of the West.

These election results were not for love of the Right, but in Grand Opposition to the ever more invasive globalist movements.

True Left and Right have not existed for at least the last 40 years – almost nowhere in the Western world, as the CIA / MI6 anti-socialist program “Gladio”, eradicated the left in Europe during the four decades from the 1950s to about the 1990s. A similar movement decimated socialism in the US.

Later many of the same left-leaning groups were “bought” by the globalists under the pretext of a One World Government of equality for all, an old socialist slogan. The tragedy is that as of this day, many, if not most “new socialists or leftists” do not know, or refuse to admit, that they have been coopted and corrupted by the globalist crusade.

See Daniele Ganser’s outstanding analysis, “Operation Gladio, NATO’s Secret Armies”, Daniele Ganser Exposes: “USA, The Ruthless Empire” (Video: 1h 9 min):

  • The so-called Green Agenda,

  • the Woke agenda,

  • the climate change / global warming agenda,

  • the “letter agenda” (LGBTQ-plus nonsense),

  • the meat-to-bugs agenda,

  • the farm and cow killing agenda,

  • the endless wars and conflicts and random terrorist attacks,

  • and not least, the COVID and bio-war agenda

– all with their plan for massive population reduction – were largely funded by the less visible financial elite, Soros, Rockefeller, Gates, Rothschild et. al. and, of course, by the players from the dark, the Financial-Military-IT-Media-Pharma complex.

Extraordinarily, Archbishop Vigano nailed it all down in his bombshell 17-min video:

May the Swiss election results have been a wake-up signal for the rest of the world, at least the Western world? Rising up to conquer sovereignty in solidarity. To return to basic values of fraternity and LOVE.

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