WHAT are they putting in the COVID vaccines and WHY?
Dr. Kevin McKernan and Jan Jekielek take a deep dive into the DNA plasmids, SV40 proteins and the meaning of it all. Another must-watch.
Dr. Kevin McKernan and Jan Jekielek take a deep dive into the DNA plasmids, SV40 proteins and the meaning of it all. Another must-watch.
So it is good to read between the lines and see what his forked tongue has to say--what narratives is he pushing now? Full text with comments below.
So it is good to read between the lines and see what his forked tongue has to say–what narratives is he pushing now? Full text with comments below.
Reprinting because the trolls have been claiming Dr. Malone favored depopulation. There is some history here we would all benefit from knowing
Reprinting because the trolls have been claiming Dr. Malone favored depopulation. There is some history here we would all benefit from knowing
Kenya is on a plateau, therefore it has with good weather, and the UN Environmental Program is also centered in Nairobi, Kenya
Kenya is on a plateau, therefore it has with good weather, and the UN Environmental Program is also centered in Nairobi, Kenya
A shortening of Hillel's famous 3 questions.
A shortening of Hillel’s famous 3 questions.