Maine’s governor VETOES bill that would have prevented foreign governments from spending money on Maine’s elections

If that is not a dead giveaway of the crookedness of the Gov. Mills administration, I don't know what is

And who sent the following to me? Organizations that are mostly composed of Democrats, Mills’ party or at least that segment who want free and fair elections.

Governor Mills has vetoed a bill, LD 1610, that received bipartisan support in both the House and Senate. It’s widely popular among voters because LD 1610 will stop foreign government spending in Maine elections. 

The Legislature can override the veto when they return to Augusta next Tuesday, July 25. You can help by sending a quick message to your legislator — ask them to support this bipartisan legislation and override the Governor’s veto. We’ve made it easy, too. Click here to send a message ASAP. 

The veto is incredibly disappointing. The Governor is overlooking the will of the voters, refusing to protect our elections from foreign governmental influence. The opponents of this initiative are few, foreign, and financially unfettered. Let’s not let them have the final say. Mainers deserve to stand up for our people-powered democracy.

Ahead of the veto vote, we’ll also rally in front of the State House at 9:30 AM on Tuesday. Click here to RSVP.

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