Is Sir Doctor Jeremy James Farrar OBE FRCP FRS FMedSci PhD starting his gig as Chief Scientist at the WHO today, or not? Nothing yet in today’s news.

Was Jeremy's Daddy an agent of the British government, too? And surprise! the head of One Health and the Frozen Food theory at WHO has been fired.

Three weeks ago Jeremy was still in line for the job, due to start today. But so far (and it is 3:30 pm in Geneva right now) nothing has been announced regarding him beginning the job.

Five days ago WHO’s head of its COVID origins inquiry to China got canned. You recall Peter Ben Embarek, who said COVID probably came from frozen food, then later said the Chinese made him say that. He was also the head of One Health at the WHO—in other words, he was a tool who did as told. But he may have done other things too. He has been canned for sexual misconduct.

GENEVA, May 3 (Reuters) – The World Health Organization said on Wednesday that it has dismissed a senior scientist, known for his role as the head of an international mission to China to probe the origins of COVID-19, for sexual misconduct.

The U.N. agency said Peter Ben Embarek, a Danish scientist who previously headed up its ‘One Health’ initiative on diseases jumping from animals to humans, was removed from his post last year. In a response to Reuters, Ben Embarek said he contested the accusation of harassment and was challenging the sanction.

“Peter Ben Embarek was dismissed last year following findings of sexual misconduct against him that were substantiated by investigations, and corresponding disciplinary process,” said WHO spokesperson Marcia Poole.

As recently as 3 weeks ago, Jeremy was set to take up the helm of Chief Scientist at WHO.

Dr Jeremy Farrar will become WHO’s Chief Scientist as of 8 May 2023. The appointment of Dr Farrar was previously announced in December 2022. In this role Dr Farrar will oversee the Science Division, bringing together the best experts and networks in science and innovation from around the world to guide, develop and deliver high quality health policies and services to the people who need them most. Prior to joining WHO Dr Farrar was Director of the Wellcome Trust. Before joining Wellcome in 2013 Dr Farrar spent 17 years as Director of the Clinical Research Unit at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases in Viet Nam where his research interests were in global health with a focus on emerging infectious diseases. Dr Farrar is a clinician researcher with a medical degree and a PhD.

In other words, Jeremy’s broad experiences around the world and in giving grants for ‘performance’ will serve him well as he uses carrots and sticks to bring the 194 ntions of the World Health Assembly into the New World Order by way of the WHO’s Global Bio-Security Agenda. He served as the Fauci of the UK, creating networks of bought scientists who he will now be able to parlay as ‘experts’ for pandemic preparedness and planning.

On Jeremy Farrar, from Wikipedia

Born 1 September 1961 in Singapore, Farrar is the youngest of six children in his family. His father taught English and his mother was a writer and artist. Due to his father’s work, he spent his childhood in New Zealand, Cyprus and Libya.[16]

In 2004, he and his Vietnamese colleague Tran Tinh Hien identified the re-emergence of the deadly bird flu, or H5N1, in humans.

If you are truly an English teacher, you don’t go work in New Zealand, where English is the native language. If you are truly an English teacher, you probably can’t afford to have six children. If you are truly an English teacher, why did you choose highly strategic spots in which to teach, like Singapore, Cyprus and Libya?

Was Farrar ‘s dad in New Zealand when it decided to be a nuclear free zone, refusing to allow nuclear ships to come to port? Or was he there when French military frogmen bombed the Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior while at port in New Zealand? The Rainbow Warrior would sail into areas where nuclear tests were being run in the Pacific, daring the French and others to blow them up too. For a while there, little New Zealand had a spine and said no to the big powers. Those days are long gone. What led to such dramatic changes in the political landscape of NZ?

Here the New Zealand government tells its story:

In 1985 New Zealand was basking in its position as leader of the anti-nuclear movement. As a country it had clearly punched above its weight. Then, just before midnight on the evening of 10 July, two explosions ripped through the hull of the Greenpeace flagship Rainbow Warrior, which was moored at Marsden Wharf in Auckland.

A Portuguese crew member, Fernando Pereira, was killed in the explosions. The Rainbow Warrior had been involved in protests over French nuclear testing in the Pacific. French Secret Service (DGSE) agents were sent to prevent it leaving for another protest campaign at Mururoa Atoll.


The New Zealand Nuclear Free Zone, Disarmament, and Arms Control Act was passed into law, establishing this country as a nuclear and biological weapon-free zone.

The Act was passed in the aftermath of the mid-1980s nuclear ships stand-off between New Zealand and the United States. The nuclear-free movement had its roots in ideas that emerged in the 1960s: a push for an independent, ethical foreign policy which grew out of opposition to the Vietnam War; and environmentalism, which sought to preserve New Zealand as a green unspoilt land.

In 1989, 52 per cent of New Zealanders indicated that they would rather break defence ties than admit nuclear-armed ships to their harbours. By 1990, even the National opposition had signed up to anti-nuclearism.

Rainbow Warrior after the attack

Two DGSE officers, Dominique Prieur and Alain Mafart, were arrested on 24 July. Both were charged with murder, pleaded guilty to manslaughter and were sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment. The case was a source of considerable embarrassment to the French government. While the attack was on an international organisation rather than New Zealand itself, most New Zealanders did not make such a distinction. The fact that it was committed on New Zealand territory by a supposed friend produced a sense of outrage and a serious deterioration in relations between New Zealand and France.

In September 2006 the agent who placed the bomb was named as Gerard Royal by his brother, Antoine. Their sister, Ségolène Royal, was the Socialist candidate in the 2007 French presidential elections, and won.

While these doings would likely have resulted in plenty of foreign agents trying to ‘turn’ New Zealand, I have to admit they occurred after Jeremy was in his twenties. So I cannot say how NZ may have been strategic for the UK government when he lived there, since I don’t know when that was. But I leave NZ in the story because yesterday I learned that France’s 2007 Prime Ministerial candidate, Segolene Royal, was the sister of the man who placed the bomb on the Rainbow Warrior. Was Segolene yet another agent? Her 30 year partner, Francois Hollande, then did become France’s PM.

Cyprus is part Greek, part Turkish (and they have battled over it) and hosts a large number of extremely wealthy Russians. According to an old Stratfor website:

Cyprus’ location makes it an essential part of any security dynamic in the region. Despite its non-member status, it is a critical component of NATO’s Mediterranean operations and would play a central role in the event of NATO intervention in the Levant. This is particularly important to France, which has strong ties to Syria and Lebanon. The United Kingdom hosts two sovereign airbases with approximately 8,000 troops in the southern portion of the island. And the U.S. sees Cyprus as critical for maintaining control of Mediterranean waters and securing the presence of the U.S. Navy’s Sixth Fleet.

Singapore has perhaps the highest per capita income in the world. According to the Council on Foreign Relations:

Singapore is a global financial and economic hub that sits astride the meeting point of the strategically vital Malacca Strait and the South China Sea. Despite its small size, the island city-state of 6.2 million people is a heavyweight in regional and international affairs.

A close strategic partner of the United States in Southeast Asia, Singapore also maintains a close relationship with China.

Libya is described by the Encyclopedia Britannica. Note Gaddafi’s 42 year reign and his creation of a popular welfare state, believed by many to be a challenge to the US-based idea of how developing countries should be managed.

Libya’s per capita income is among the highest in Africa. Oil revenues remain Libya’s main source of income. At the beginning of the 21st century, oil and natural gas together accounted for almost three-fourths of the national income and nearly all of the country’s export earnings, although they employed less than one-tenth of the labour force. Under Muammar al-Qaddafi (1969–2011), the government exerted strong control over the economy; the petroleum industry was nationalized in the 1970s, and state trade unions and industrial organizations ran most other industries and utilities.

The government long exerted strong control over the economy and attempted to develop agriculture and industry with wealth derived from its huge oil revenues. It also established a welfare state, which provides medical care and education at minimal cost to the people. Although Libya’s long-ruling leader Muammar al-Qaddafi espoused an idiosyncratic political ideology rooted in socioeconomic egalitarianism and direct democracy, Libya in practice remained an authoritarian state, with power concentrated among members of Qaddafi’s inner circle of relatives and security chiefs.

More from Wikipedia

Farrar has been chairing the Scientific Advisory Group of the WHO R&D Blueprint, a global strategy and preparedness plan that allows the rapid activation of research activities during epidemics.[46] [In this role he managed to scuttle all the promising drugs for COVID, as well as ensure that tests on hydroxychloroquine used high enough doses to kill off any potential benefit, as well as killing more subjects than died when given no treatment at all.—Nass] From 2018 to 2022, he served on the joint World Bank/WHO Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB), co-chaired by Elhadj As Sy and Gro Harlem Brundtland.[47][48] [Managing the development of the BioSecurity Agenda—Nass] In 2019, he co-chaired a WHO committee evaluating Ebola therapeutics.[49][50] [Which failed to impact the 60% death rate from Ebola in the 2019 epidemic—the highest death rate ever.—Nass]

Farrah has also served on UK governments committees. In May 2020, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, he was appointed to the expert advisory group for the UK Government’s Vaccine Task Force.[51] He has also served as a member of the UK Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE)…


On 19 February 2020, Farrar, along with 26 other scientists, published as a co-author of the Statement in support of the scientists, public health professionals, and medical professionals of China combatting COVID-19, which declared “We stand together to strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin.” [This was the DASZAK-ghost-authored Lancet letter—Nass]

Farrar wrote an opinion piece in the Guardian on Dec. 4, 2021 stating he feared not enough was being done to vaccinate people in poor nations against COVID-19. Farrar stated, “The longer this virus continues to spread in largely unvaccinated populations globally, the more likely it is that a variant that can overcome our vaccines and treatments will emerge…. [In other words, he was scaremongering.—Nass]

Jeremy is, according to the WHO, to begin his stint as Chief Scientist today. Do you think 007 (License to Overdose) will manage to save the New World Order and bring in Pandemic Preparedness worldwide as a means of attaining a one world government? Will his cunning, access to Wellcome’s funds and connections, it could happen. But perhaps he will be tasked to work in the background instead; after all, Poisoner in Chief is not a good look on a resume.

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