Thought Police: Germany Conducts Mass Raids over Online ‘Insults’ Against Politicians/ Breitbart
This is very scary. Two people in our circle, both lawyers, were recently arrested in France and Holland. One is still in jail.
This is very scary. Two people in our circle, both lawyers, were recently arrested in France and Holland. One is still in jail.
Biden administration surges resources to states as health-care workers race to keep up The Biden administration has deployed more than 13,000 National Guard members to 48 states to support vaccinations, testing and clinical care, White House coronavirus response coordinator Jeffrey Zients told reporters Wednesday. The government has also sent over 2,100 personnel and thousands of…
Behind dysfunctional government, is democracy itself in decay? It took only 250 years for democracy to disintegrate in ancient Athens. A wholly new form of government was invented there in which the people ruled themselves. That constitution proved marvelously effective. Athens grew in wealth and capacity, saw off the Persian challenge, established itself as the…
Another giveaway to health industries (and woe to patients) is embodied in the so-called 21st Century Cures Act. It passed the House of Representatives this week before you knew it existed. Usually industry’s best friend, the NY Times surprisingly editorialized against this shameful bill today. Here is what the Times wrote: “A bill passed by…
1. What case would allow this Court to overturn an earlier Court? On what basis? Is there a case the court accepted to which this decision is attached? (I have not looked.) 2. Since there is a long draft (about 100 pages), does that mean the members of the Court have already voted? 3. The…
for video click here Despite the report below, CSL is one of six flu vaccine manufacturers licensed to sell flu vaccine in the US in 2011. The CSL vaccine, Afluria, is labelled for use over 5 years old. However, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practises recommends that Afluria not be used in children aged… By Maddie Bender Nov. 4, 2021 “OSHA has issued an Emergency Temporary Standard for the program, which will require employers to provide paid time off and sick leave for workers to get vaccinated and recover from potential temporary side effects.” [What if they aren’t temporary? –Nass] Reprints 1 President Biden is delaying its mandate for contractors…
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Official Biochemical and Statistical Evidence 100% confirms Moderna created Covid-19!
Military Doctor testifies in court that she was ordered to cover up & suppress huge amount of Covid-19 Vaccine injuries!!
Yes, I agree. This is very scary. Phrasing and word choices are now being judged and labeled according to an illusive standard established by governments and their surrogates. Hate speech, insults, and we cannot forget 'misinformation'. Has anyone defined 'truth' or stated when and where individuals may speak the 'truth' or have personal and/or professional opinions? Things are certainly getting increasingly icky sticky and messy when it comes to what should remain plain and simple.
Once free speech goes, watch out!
Certificate Of Vaccine ID., COVID. Vaxed And You Will Be Tracked!