My interview with Aga Wilson
Titled 'They Use Fear to Keep a Grip on You – And How to Get Free'
Titled 'They Use Fear to Keep a Grip on You – And How to Get Free'
a wonderful summary of what is being proposed through the WHO to wrest sovereignty from the human population under the guise of public health
a wonderful summary of what is being proposed through the WHO to wrest sovereignty from the human population under the guise of public health
And may provide a glimpse of Trump's thinking
And may provide a glimpse of Trump’s thinking
Thanks to Rhoda Wilson at The Expose. This was completely new to me!
Thanks to Rhoda Wilson at The Expose. This was completely new to me!
Need your help getting resolutions like this passed and getting governors and AGs to go along.
Need your help getting resolutions like this passed and getting governors and AGs to go along.
Thanks to Clayton Baker. I end with the US stats on losses and accidents involving deadly pathogens for 2023
Thanks to Clayton Baker. I end with the US stats on losses and accidents involving deadly pathogens for 2023
But CDC says this is evidence that the vaccine is effective, and nudges kids to remain 'up to date,' i.e., boosted when eligible
But CDC says this is evidence that the vaccine is effective, and nudges kids to remain ‘up to date,’ i.e., boosted when eligible