A fabulous collection of cartoons from James Edward Taylor
I show a few-go to the website for the rest and you won't be disappointed
I show a few-go to the website for the rest and you won't be disappointed
Medical professionals and scientists: please consider signing
Medical professionals and scientists: please consider signing
1.5 hours. Panelists: Simon Wain-Hobson, Alex Washburne, Laura Kahn, Sunetra Gupta, Bryce Nickels (who is on the board of BioSafety Now)
1.5 hours. Panelists: Simon Wain-Hobson, Alex Washburne, Laura Kahn, Sunetra Gupta, Bryce Nickels (who is on the board of BioSafety Now)
Feel free to ask questions about it. Happy to expand on this. I will post a pdf later
Feel free to ask questions about it. Happy to expand on this. I will post a pdf later
Scientific misconduct needs to be made into a real crime with penalties like jail and big bucks. Right now the most that can happen is you lose your grants, if govt funded
Scientific misconduct needs to be made into a real crime with penalties like jail and big bucks. Right now the most that can happen is you lose your grants, if govt funded
I can't go item by item. Where do they find the writers of such drivel? Here are just 5 pages on global governance to give you the flavor
I can’t go item by item. Where do they find the writers of such drivel? Here are just 5 pages on global governance to give you the flavor
We saw video of a subcommittee "consensus" process, but where is the evidence that the entire WHA voted? Where is the video? Which nations voted yes?
We saw video of a subcommittee “consensus” process, but where is the evidence that the entire WHA voted? Where is the video? Which nations voted yes?