My Highwire interview: Del Bigtree was incredibly nice and helpful. I couldn’t be happier with it.

asked the right questions. He let me talk about things that I thought
were really important to get out. He was knowledgeable.

But then
at the end, he pulled a rabbit out of a hat. He told his audience we
are living in very unusual times. That they should stand up and become
the best they can be. Get active. Get out of their comfort zone.

go spend a half an hour and read Meryl Nass’ entire article, because we
all need that information, and because it connects a lot of dots.

need people to actually read this long piece, all the way through. It
is like an ammunition belt: jam-packed with useful facts to beat down a
whole lot of false narratives. Facts to use when you engage others.
Facts that will give you a much deeper understanding of what has been
going on, and what is planned.

I am terribly grateful to Del, to
my readers. There is a lot we need to know. Understand. Share. We
all have to become a bit expert ourselves so we help others see. We
have to Grow the No’s. That is how we will win. When most people
refuse to go along. Despite the world’s best mind control techniques
and the incredible propaganda.

I am working on yet another version of my long piece
with yet a bit more meat in it. Unfortunately, flying home from Austin
is taking 4 flights and 2 days (you know the drill: cancellations,
delays then missed flights then they are all full) and I will be
spending most of tomorrow as well as today in airports. Promise to get
it done this weekend. We Will Win!!!

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