US government implemented its One Health Framework last week
And I watched every boring minute of the announcement
Michael Nevradakis wrote about the Framework and he quotes me and others about it. I suffered through CDC’s presentation by veterinarian and One Health coordinator Casey Behravesh so you don’t have to.
IMHO, this project is simply an effort to create an alternate governance structure:
a) permanently embed One Health into all the federal agencies, while
b) creating new interagency authorities that can bypass the normal agency chain of command to carry out orders designated as part of the One Health framework.
Below are some selected screenshots from the program that I hope will help reveal how meaningless the One Health approach is for accomplishing any thing useful, and how desperate the One Health proponents are to claim relevance.

Here is how we attempt to wrap everything in the world under the One Health umbrella:

Be afraid of diseases that transmit between animals and humans:

Mostly meaningless gibberish:

This needs to be uprooted:

See how One Health is being used to grow itself and create national and global health coordination networks:

See how parts of the WHO IHR amendments and Pandemic Treaty were put into this One Health framework:

And the repeated soundbite that shared risks require a shared response. Sounds good but there is no “there” there.
One Health was never defined, nor was the One Health approach. I think the point was to get this officially out before the Inauguration. Let’s shred it!
Addendum: To further One Health…