MSM is full of errors about the WHO withdrawal, so I will correct them.

I remain gobsmacked with all the good news. It has not sunk in yet.

  1. NYT—The WHO budget is 6.8 billion/year. No, Sheryl, that is a biennial budget; it is $3.4 B/year. However, that was expected to rise at least by one order of magnitude if the original Pandemic Treaty and IHR amendments were adopted, making it a much larger and more powerful organization.
  2. The US needs a year to leave and must continue paying dues. No, Carmen Paun at Politico (what a name for an MSM journalist!!!) Trump already gave the required year’s notice in 2020 and according to Professor Francis Boyle he does not need to give it again. Our dues are paid up. We can leave as soon as the process can be completed, and will not need to pay any dues thereafter, according to the reservation the US made to the WHO Constitution in 1948.
  3. Regarding losing access to “global networks” that determine which strains of influenza to use in flu shots each year, Ms. Paun,—well—that data comes mostly from Australia, which we won’t lose access to. The US CDC pays for a lot of the flu strain analysis. Why does the US push the flu shots so vehemently when their efficacy is poor? Even the CDC admits, using its most favored data, the shots have not provided even 50% efficacy for a single season during the last 10 years:

Very few other nations encourage flu shots, and I don’t know of any that tell every age group to get them. For the elderly, who arguably might benefit the most, they have never been shown to prevent deaths. Maybe this is a good time to rethink our universal recommendation for yearly flu shots.

  1. Ms Paun, you wrote:And American drugmakers could lose the WHO’s help in selling their products worldwide since the WHO system endorsing drugs, vaccines and medical devices for global use that many developing countries rely on could be impaired by the loss of U.S. funding.

Did you mean that Bill Gates would no longer be able to steer the WHO to use as a salesman for his pharmaceutical investments? I think as long as he continues to be a major donor he will be able to steer the corrupt WHO system just as he has been doing.

  1. Ms. Stolberg, you wrote:In July 2020, Mr. Trump took formal steps to withdraw from the agency.But after he lost the 2020 election, the threat did not materialize. On his first day in office, Jan. 20, 2021, former President Joseph R. Biden Jr. blocked it from going into effect.

Trump gave the WHO the 1 year notice of withdrawal that the US had agreed to in 1948. Had Biden not rescinded the order, we would be out now. But because he already gave notice, we don’t need to delay another year and can simply leave.

  1. Stolberg wrote that withdrawing is “a move that public health experts say will undermine the nation’s standing as a global health leader and make it harder to fight the next pandemic.” First, President Trump’s order directed US officials to transfer important responsibilities of the WHO that the US is supporting (and money presumably) to other entities that could better carry out those duties. Cutting out the corrupt middleman. Second, it will be much easier to fight the next pandemic (if there is one) if we can use our own competent experts to decide what to do, and not rely on the bureaucrats at the WHO to give us orders on how to manage pandemics, something for which they have a poor track record and very little internal talent.
  2. Stolberg wrote,

When China characterized the genetic sequence of the novel coronavirus in 2020, it released the information to W.H.O., which shared it with other nations.

Actually, it was not the Chinese government who released a sequence for the SARS-CoV-2 genome, but a Chinese scientist, who had not been authorized to do so. He sent it to Professor Eddie Holmes in Australia, who uploaded it to a public database. The WHO was not an initial player.

  1. The WHO should not be managing international outbreaks, after its well-publicized delays and failures with the 2 largest Ebola epidemics in Africa, and what I would call its ridiculous performance over monkeypox, twice declaring it a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. What we need to get rid of is politicized healthcare, and the WHO represents all that is wrong with centralized medical decision making.

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