Fauci’s First Fraud was AZT. He had honed the playbook before COVID appeared.
I interviewed Ken McCarthy about his book on this subject for CHD-TV
I interviewed Ken McCarthy about his book on this subject for CHD-TV
Original URL: https://merylnass.substack.com/p/clean-up-crew-starting-to-amend-the I wrote about the falsification of US mortality statistics (and also case rates and hospitalization data) through the incomprehensible imposition of new rules on data collection, after I spent weeks poring over the case definition documents and other granular data near the end of 2020, describing my findings here, here, here, and here, and in other…
A new network has formed to push this plan forward: northgroup.info
A new network has formed to push this plan forward: northgroup.info
And why not add a little Gain of Function too? she thinks...
And why not add a little Gain of Function too? she thinks…
I have not seen it yet--I will tomorrow--but something fishy was going on. What was it?
I have not seen it yet–I will tomorrow–but something fishy was going on. What was it?
Hat tip to Exposing the Darkness. More evidence that TPTB don't care about the climate, but use the excuse of climate to acquire huge money pools.
Hat tip to Exposing the Darkness. More evidence that TPTB don’t care about the climate, but use the excuse of climate to acquire huge money pools.
First country bans ivermectin, a lifesaver for Covid--will the US be next?
First country bans ivermectin, a lifesaver for Covid–will the US be next?