I was asked for a shareable version of my post on bird flu misinformation and Dr. McCullough, since “X” throttles substack posts, so it is posted on merylnass.com
Here it is. Please share widely
Here it is. Please share widely
I will be presenting new material on the history of biowarfare through the present day, and the era of lab-loosed pandemics to come--unless we stop the WHO
I will be presenting new material on the history of biowarfare through the present day, and the era of lab-loosed pandemics to come–unless we stop the WHO
Original URL: https://merylnass.substack.com/p/lifesite-news-is-a-conservative-news LifeSite has written extensively and courageously on Israel’s war in Gaza: Here’s why—Steve Jalsevic https://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/lifesite-has-written-extensively-and-courageously-on-israels-war-in-gaza-heres-why/ Some of us originally had no idea that numerous secular and orthodox religious Jews and rabbis, and Middle East Catholic and other Christian leaders, are highly critical of Israel and its Zionist ideology. Israeli PM Benjamin NetanyahuPhoto…
They harm the public and make a mockery of informed consent
They harm the public and make a mockery of informed consent
Unlike the US proposal, the language is clear and the ask is simple
Unlike the US proposal, the language is clear and the ask is simple
2 days later the JAMA publishes better data questioning its benefits. CDC never tells us what its trial in Congo learned about the vaccine. And always admits...nothing
2 days later the JAMA publishes better data questioning its benefits. CDC never tells us what its trial in Congo learned about the vaccine. And always admits…nothing
Only the first few seconds are in Dutch. This was a really good conversation.
Only the first few seconds are in Dutch. This was a really good conversation.